Published at 21st of March 2020 11:27:41 AM

Chapter 4

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Yan Ge lifted her eyelids to look at Ji Zai dispiritedly: "Do you know why my chest is so flat?"

She didn’t wait for Ji Zai to respond and slapped it into the mountain recess, roaring: "Laoniang's[my] chest was flattened by you!"

Ji Zai let out a wailing wu sound, but soon came back bouncing and vivacious: "I just thought of a good way, ao ao ao!"

Yan Ge cast a praising glance on Ji Zai: "What can I do to kill it?"

Ji Zai rolled its eyes and spoke in throaty voice dripping with sarcasm: "You don't even know what it is. Every time you encounter it, you unscrupulously become its food and you still think you can kill it. Aiyo, dreaming in broad daylight…"

Before words finished, Ji Zai was smacked into the air again.

Ji Zai had a way to keep Yan Ge from being stared at by that guy, but it was a bit risky.

"Get a system. Go somewhere that guy can't find you. But there are several types, so which one do you want?"

Yan Ge knew about these playthings. She had wandered around the world for a long time and had seen all kinds of systems: "Are you sure a system can keep him from finding me?"

"It's like painting with two brushes1.” Ji Zai looked at Yan Ge with a retarded style of tenderness: "There are many mighty ones in the Three Thousand Worlds that get stuck before they can break through to become sages. These guys can neither die nor live well, so I was thinking it would be good to head over to those worlds and soak up some experience on how to see through2 their state of mind. We'll use the system to take over missions related to these mighty ones. With Tiandao’s3 divine protection, that guy wouldn't dare to show up.

"I have a second female lead counterattack system, a sleeping with every male god system, and an enthralling tens of thousands4 system. Which one do you want?"

"Enthralling tens of thousands is good. Becoming a person everyone likes in the plane is quite convenient."

Ji Zai looked at Yan Ge, and the fondness in its eyes was even more extreme: "Don't fail ah. Should you fail a task issued by the mighty one, you might really become bald."

Yan Ge had confidence in herself. She had fulfilled the wishes of so many women in the world no matter how difficult they were. She felt that the current her was an invincible existence that had swept away millions of enemy troops5. There was absolutely no reason to take these minuscule tasks to heart.

~~~ The Emperor Schemes To Grab A Man’s Wife ~~~

When Yan Ge entered the plane and received the information from Ji Zai, her mind was stupefied for a moment.

The task released by the mighty one this time was to help him see through his love trial6.

Tiandao was heartless. It was ultimately heartless, yet the realm was stagnant because of this heartlessness.

Although the mighty one entered the world to cultivate his mental state, he become an emperor above ten thousand because he was the darling of Tiandao.

Yan Ge carried the enthralling tens of thousands system. Her identity in the plane was certainly someone who enthralled thousands, but this identity was a little awkward.

"I'm a freaking general." Yan Ge reached out and touched to feel the flat chest. Indignant, she called out to Ji Zai: "Even if everyone admires the general, he’s still a man... "

Because of the system, the chicken could now be emulated in Yan Ge mind. It saw that Yan Ge was about to lose it, and quickly interrupted her: "You don’t have a handle. The general is a woman, it’s just that others don't know."

Yan Ge felt between her legs and was quiet.

The mighty one was heartless, and the easiest way to arouse passion in these guys was through the love between men and women.

She thought she would be a wildly loved Empress. Who would have thought she would become a fake supreme commander?

The reason why the supreme commander was enthralling was because this guy guarded the border and won nine out of ten battles. As a result, he became the object of love and affection for the common people.

Now this begs the question; how does she tempt that heartless dog emperor while carrying such an identity?

Heartache. Yan Ge touched her chest and felt the flat breasts. Her heart ached even more.

Ji Zai seemed to know what Yan Ge was thinking and comforted her: “If the chest wasn’t flat, how could it pacify the country? The flatter the chest, the more awesome this supreme commander is shown to be. You should be proud.”

1 Painting with two brushes (双管齐下—shuāng guǎn qí xià): idiom that means ‘a two-pronged approach’.
2 See through (勘破— kān pò): means to (clearly) see through or comprehend something.
3 Tiandao (天道— tiān dào): literally means ‘heavenly way’. It’s the natural law or the manifestation of god’s will.
4 Enthralling tens of thousands (万人迷— wàn rén mí): means someone thousands/millions go crazy for. I really couldn’t think of a condensed translation I was happy with so let’s just roll with this clunky version.
5 Swept away millions of troops (横扫千军— héng sǎo qiān jūn): means total annihilation at the hands of one.
6 Love trial (情劫—qíng jié): I was really tempted to translate this as ‘love tribulation’, but ‘tribulation’ is a severe type of trial. It wasn’t clear whether they were that serious. Anyway, the ‘love’ here does not denote romance, it just means sentiment/feelings in general.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!