Ambiguous Relationship - Chapter 51

Published at 21st of June 2019 06:06:40 AM

Chapter 51

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It makes sense.


Chen Ruo Yu remembered that when she had criticized Meng Gu's bad temper and unpleasant way of speaking, At that time, he also said something similar that if he met the right person he will unexpectedly change then.


She suddenly felt that she should absorb more from her friends' experiences.


Later, Chen Ruo Yu called Gao Yu Lan and immediately asked, "Lan Lan, how did you make such a firm resolution to live with Boss Yin for this lifetime?"


Gao Yu Lan's phone was silent, and then Yin Ze's deliberately lowered voice came through, "Ruo Yu ah, I really like your frankness. Lan Lan is in the bathroom, ah, she's coming out, I'll give her the phone. After you get the answer, you must tell me."


Chen Ruo Yu face darkened, and then she heard Yin Zi telling Gao Yu Lan that she had a phone call and that he was busy and will leave them to talk. Chen Ruo Yu couldn't help but rub her forehead, he finished with a "have a good chat", he won't really come and ask her what Lan Lan said she saw in him, right?


The line on the other end was quickly replaced with Gao Yu Lan. Chen Ruo Yu said the words again, she could not retreat and asked the question again.


"Did Yin Ze tell you to ask me?"


Sure enough, they are really a couple!


Chen Ruo Yu replied "No". She thought about it, the weather was good and so just asked to go out to meet, Gao Yu Lan agreed. After a while, she called out to Yin Ze and said that she is going out for an appointment. Yin Ze said that they could go to his restaurant to talk, he provided a free venue for food and drinks.


 Chen Ruo Yu rubbed her forehead, Boss Yin being so generous, providing everything, is to be able to properly harvest information, right? However, Chen Ruo Yu still agreed. The reason is simple.




As a reasonable woman, economizing is the highest principle.


So Chen Ruo Yu and Gao Yu Lan met in the outrageously big kitchen of Yin Ze's "Food" restaurant, which had a special small table for visiting relatives and friends. Chen Ruo Yu was on one side eating while talking.


Gao Yu Lan looked at the surrounding movements and moved closer to her like a thief, and seeing that no one was close to them or paying attention to them, she whispered her final decision: depends on whether Yin Zi can move her emotionally.


"Move you?" This is different again. It's that she is convinced that all the conditions are right. not Liang Sisi's theory of compromising change, just simply being moved?


It turns out that every woman has a different standard in her heart.


Gao Yu Lan nodded and said her own thoughts, "Yin Ze is very good to me, we get along well, he also proposed to me. But I don't know what is going on, I've been feeling that there is less motivation."




"I don't know how to describe it properly. Well, it's like you have been watching over a pot of boiling water, you see that there are small bubbles at the bottom of the pot, and you think that it should be bubbling up, and be steaming soon. But waiting and waiting, but it just won't bubble up, what's to be done? At this time, you feel anxious, if you add some sale, and then the water goes "Pff" and bubbles up a little. I feel a bit like that now, a little anxious, I really hope that some salt will come in and bubble up a little."


Chen Ruo Yu was dumbfounded, this kind of analogy, she's indeed a chef's wife, isn't she? However, this seems to be somewhat vivid.


Just as she likes Meng Gu very much, Meng Gu also said that he likes her. It is reasonable to say that everything is already fixed on the board, things are set, but she seems to feel somewhat uncertain.

"Ruo Yu, do you understand what I mean?"



I understand. Actually, the heat of the water is almost hot enough, you just want to see it bubbling up first, so that you can put the meat in."

Gao Yu Lan froze and then blushed, "Ruo Yu, don't be so indecent."

"Where am I indecent?" Chen Ruo Yu felt extremely innocent, "It's just like when you're cooking hotpot, right? The meat has actually been in the pot for a long time, but you're always worried that it is not cooked, always wanting it to cook for a while more, and then a while more, but also worried that id it's in the hotpot for too long, it won't be good."

"Ah, yes, you're right! There is that kind of dilemma."

The two women reached an understanding and talked a lot. They didn't know that Yin Ze grabbed a passing kitchen staff and asked him, "Did you hear what the two of were saying?"

"They are talking about hotpot."

Hotpot? Yin Ze was confused. Shouldn't they be talking about men? How did it change to hotpot?

"Ruo Yu, you know, that year, after being together with my first love for seven years, he could actually become hostile immediately like that. Although the situation he saw was really bad for me, but seven years, after seven years trust could not be cultivated. seven years could not outweigh one misunderstanding, and how long have I been with Yin Ze? Moreover, the reason he fell in love with me, was actually a love at first sight encounter from three years ago. Ruo Yu, to tell you the truth, I feel that I have don't have the confidence, but this matter of confidence for him is no problem at all. He feels that it is normal for him to have seen me once and never forgotten it all this time. That is normal for us to fall in love after meeting a few years later, and it feels right to get married and that it is as it should naturally be. However, with this course of events, it's not surprising that it feels highly insecure?"

"So where do you feel it is insecure?"

Gao Yu Lan was asked, she opened her mouth but couldn't answer. After being quiet for a long time, she said, "I am certain that I love him, and I am certain that he loves me. We should have no problems with our families, but I just feel confused and feel that I need some motivation. Ruo Yu, you know that my personality is weak and when I encounter problems, I want to hide, but Yin Ze is totally different. He really makes me happy, but everything seems highly logically structured and too quick." She looked at Chen Ruo Yu's expression and suddenly sighed, "Actually, I can't say it clearly. Maybe it's just my own insecurities. I said that I need motivation, I need to feel moved, maybe it's all just excuses." 

Chen Ruo Yu couldn't say anything, she held her chin and thought, how many women are as confused as they are? She was really not satisfied with confused, they are insecure, inexplicable, unreasonable, illogical, perplexing. They are just baffling.

"Lan Lan, you said he loves you, isn't that motivating? He loves you, isn't that moving? And then, aren't you certain that he loves you?"

Gao Yu Lan opened her mouth and thought for a long time, "Men must hate women like me who are mental cases."

"I thought about it today, normal women are all mental cases."

Gao Yu Lan thought about it and laughed, "I will strive to flare up a bit less." She held Chen Ruo Yu's hand and said, "Ruo Yu, thank you."

"Thank you? Thanking her for what? Chen Ruo Yu looked at Gao Yu Lan's happy smile, and suddenly felt that she also benefited a lot.

Chen Ruo Yu had not seen Meng Gu for several days now.

Because he had just returned to work after he took a week of sick leave, he came back to a pile of work and needed to cover the shifts of other doctors, so he was very busy. 

And she was also busy too. In addition to thinking about the important matters in love and life, her job also unexpectedly entered into a busy period.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!