Campione! - Volume 10 - Chapter 3

Published at 17th of January 2016 01:56:59 PM

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - Two Kings, Encounter Part 1 Reportedly, a particular hypothesis was proposed six years ago. The location of delivery was in France, at the little port town of Saint-Malo in the region of Brittany. A well-known vacation destination situated near the tidal island and monastic commune of Mont Saint-Michel. The speaker was occupying a terrace seating at a certain restaurant. Named Alexandre Gascoigne, indeed he was the famous Black Prince Alec. "What you proposed just now, could you reiterate that again, Alexandre?" "Don't make me repeat myself so many times. I believe the legend of King Arthur is a catalyst the medieval Witch Queen, the first Guinevere, spent painstaking eons to prepare. For the sake of accomplishing some sort of colossal magic. Or perhaps it could be described as a type of magic circle." Catalyst? The listener, Princess Alice, was intrigued. A particular substance used to ensure the success rate when performing specific magic -- this was called a catalyst. For example, black lotus and rose petals in powdered form are used as a catalyst to enhance [Sleep] magic. "...Using the King Arthur legend as a catalyst? In order to accomplish some kind of magic?" "King who manifests at the end of eras. It's definitely a spell for summoning the strongest [Steel]." Alec said as he sliced open his baked pigeon pie. No food was placed before Alice, for she was unable to ingest anything as a spirit body. "For the Divine Ancestors' ultimate purpose of bringing forth the 'King of the End' again, that is the pertinent spell. The ritual for summoning a [Heretic God] from the Domain of Immortality... You should already know that." "Of course. Don't ask a stupid question of that sort." As a side note, this type of colossal magic was accomplished two years later by Marquis Voban. Using Wagner's Nibelungenlied as a catalyst, the heroic deity Siegfried was summoned. He ended up being slain by the sword of young Salvatore Doni. "There are apparently three [Keys] to the success of this secret art. Witches and miko with outstanding powers. A priest bearing fanatical will and desire for a god's descent. And finally, to provide the summoned god with a material body, myths... the stories widely circulated amongst peoples and countries in the world." Without myths, gods could not exist. Alice nodded as soon as she realized Alec's reasoning. "The first and second conditions can be easily prepared by the Witch Queen herself. But the last one, that of myths, is impossible to fulfill by one person's power alone. Which is why the previous Guinevere--" "Ah yes. That was why she devoted her efforts to expanding and promoting the Arthurian legends under her supervision." Alec poured wine into his glass then moistened his throat with it. "The twelfth century serves as a boundary to mark a significant change in the nature of King Arthur's legends. At that time, a local hero who only had a fanatical following in Britain was promoted in France, and from there to the rest of Europe. The troubadours received support from the Count of Anjou and the Duke of Aquitaine as well as various nobles with deep ties to the English royal family, and went to work writing stories in praise of King Arthur as if competing against one another." "As a result, King Arthur became one of Europe's most notable heroes. Anyway, Alexandre." Discovering what had caught Alec's attention, Alice spoke. "What you're saying is that the previous generation's Guinevere-sama had promulgated King Arthur's legend for the purpose of summoning the 'King of the End.' All those troubadours who sang praises to the Knights of the Round Table -- had received assistance from an organization that worked behind the scenes." There were many authors in Medieval Europe during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries who published stories about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Since many of them used pen names, their true identities and histories were mostly unknown. On the other hand, based on the content, it can be asserted that many authors were well-versed in the occult. "The ones you found concerning, are probably the Cisternian Chretien de Troyes, Hartmann who joined the Crusaders, as well as Wolfram von Eschenbach, Robert de Boron... These poets, right?" Alice listed the names of many poets in detail. "Scattered amongst their works ~ especially the parts related to chivalry and the Holy Grail -- is a substantial amount of occult knowledge inherited from the Knights Templar." "From the fact that many of these people belonged to the Knights Templar, evidence can be found that the parent organization was formed from members of the Priory of Sion and the Cisternians. Furthermore, the majority of nobles who sponsored the poets were intricately linked to knightly orders of the English royal family." The Knights Templar. Officially known as the "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon." The mage organization which established the foundations of Europe's magic associations. "The Knights Templar most likely had some sort of connection to the first Guinevere. I fear it was probably along the lines of her providing instruction about the spells and knowledge of Divine Ancestors... In actual fact, the spell words of David and the essence of smiting-level combat magic, these techniques that only paladino-ranked knights are permitted to read should have many portions influenced by witchcraft..." Two years after his first encounter with Guinevere- Alec and the Divine Ancestors had apparently devoted themselves like idiots to unraveling the mystery of the 'King of the End.' This probably contributed to making him so talkative on this occasion. "Alexandre. According to the secret records of witches I investigated, the previous generation's Guinevere-sama was murdered around the end of the twelfth century during a chance encounter with a Campione." Alec nodded proudly at the information Alice provided. "I knew it, the same time period. But I have a different interpretation. It is likely that the previous Guinevere died before her conspiracy could bear fruit, as a result of running into obstacles during the summoning of the 'King of the End.'" "...Can we be certain that the present Guinevere-sama intends to resume the plans of the previous generation?" The Black Prince and White Princess had discreetly entered Brittany due to finding out that Guinevere was about to begin the ritual for summoning the "King of the End." "Well yes, and it most likely failed already..." "What are you talking about?" "Rather, purely in terms of summoning Arthur, the ritual was a success. Even though she is a narrow-minded woman who overlooks everything she doesn't want to see, her abilities are special as a Divine Ancestor. Nevertheless, it's probably too late." Alec seemed to be showing a kind of lonely expression. The answer to the mystery he had devoted so many years to pursuing, was finally in sight. Losing his all-consuming goal and passion seemed to be filling him with a sense of forlornness. "Almost a thousand years have passed from the time the plan was put into motion. This interval is sufficient for a 'new god' to be born. Try recalling Thomas Malory's origins." The fifteenth century English knight, Sir Thomas Malory. This was the time period when the main role on the battlefield held by knights was being displaced by firearm-equipped infantry. In a society where the knighted gentry was in decline and centralized royal authority was expanding, Malory was one of those fallen knights. Fallen into depravity, he escaped prison many times and was repeatedly jailed for committing various crimes such as failed assassination, rape, robbery, stealing domestic animals, etc. But in the modern world, he would be remembered as the author of Le Morte d'Arthur, a work renowned as the definitive compilation of Arthurian legends. "Malory was not a mage. He referenced earlier existing works -- rather, he was a rascal who connected them together superficially. However, his definitive edition was indeed widely circulated amongst the people, and received independent development." "So throughout this millennium, King Arthur became a new war god instead of the 'King of the End'?" "Ah yes. Even writers of Templar descent added commandments and philosophies of taboo, causing the story content to surpass the intentions of the previous Guinevere, and thus the legends became bloated." Alec seemed to be speaking in tones of regret. "The French royal family used the legend of Charlemagne to publicize their prestige and authority. Attempting to do the same, the English royal family used the Arthurian legends thoroughly as a tool to strengthen royal authority. The end result was, embellishment of the hero King Arthur continued unabated, producing an image that deviated greatly from the original." Charlemagne. The King of the Franks during the eighth and ninth centuries. Also known as Charles the Great. His territory not only included modern France, but extended to Germany, Spain and Italy. The greatest conqueror in medieval Europe. However, the great king Charlemagne was not only a ruler recorded in history, he was also served by twelve great heroes. He was the subject of magnificent heroic legends rivaling those of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. "Myths are what forms the body and spirit of a deity. Since the myths of King Arthur the hero have been altered, the hero who descends from those myths will also change. If you look at it that way, it is only natural." Draining his wine glass in one gulp, Alec ended the conversation. A fortnight later, the summoning of [Heretic Arthur] proved the correctness of his hypothesis, causing the current generation's Guinevere to enter a state of partial insanity. Godou listened to Erica and Liliana as they explained the hypothesis regarding King Arthur. Having read the report, the knights recounted its contents to Godou on the return flight. Yes, it was the return flight leaving England and bound for Japan. Changing their plans due to the emergency, Godou and his group decided to hurry back home. On the following day after the visit to Cornwall, they managed to obtain tickets for a flight to Haneda Airport. "So this is the 'principle' Alice-san mentioned." Godou nodded. As a side note, Yuri was not present. In order to solve the mystery of Lancelot, she had stayed back with Princess Alice. It was a difficult decision taken only because neither the Black Prince nor Lancelot could be left unchecked. "By the way, Mariya said something about Sarmatae? What is that?" "In all the battles you have experienced so far, Godou, you've heard the name of the Scythians many times, right?" "Sarmatae is one of the equestrian tribes under the Scythian lineages... A belligerent tribe that went into decline despite being as battle-capable as their ancestors the Scythians." Erica and Liliana simultaneously provided explanations. "Compared to the Scythians, the Sarmatians had the advantage of armor and spears forged from iron. They possessed the stirrups to support heavy armament, and established squadrons of heavily armed knights which surpassed the lightly equipped Scythians." "Iron armor and spears? Somehow that doesn't feel very nomadic?" Godou remarked at Erica's explanation. His impressions of equestrian tribes consisted of people lightly equipped with leather protective gear and wielding bows and arrows as their primary weapons. Hence Liliana joined in: "During the second and third centuries, their heavy armaments ushered in a new age. The other tribes that had fought against the Sarmatians -- the Goths began to use the same armaments. The Roman Empire recruited Sarmatians as mercenaries and volunteers, assigning them to various provinces across Europe. This resulted in their armaments being promoted throughout Europe..." "Their armor and spear became the prototype for the fully armed knight. Such speculation has been proposed." "So Lancelot is the war god of that equestrian tribe?" Erica contemplated Godou's question for a moment before answering. "It's possible. However, Sarmatians and Scythians are both peoples who have died out a long time ago. Even though there are small groups of people who are considered their descendants, the myths they circulate are different from their ancestors." "So in the end, it is impossible to judge until we receive notice from Mariya Yuri and the Princess." Liliana sighed as she spoke. Burdened by these mysteries, Godou and his companions sank deeper into their airplane seats. Part 2 "Traveling back and forth between Japan and England over four days and two nights, is really tiring after all..." Godou could not help but grumble as he finally stepped out from the airport floor tiles and onto Japanese soil once more. Even though he was young and vigorous, this was indeed a very hectic itinerary. When gods traveled to Europe, it was probably like normal everyday travel for them...? "Sometimes I think to myself, one way to go on such trips would be to become a player on the national team representing Japan or something like that." Or perhaps, a lightning fast trip necessitating a weekend in Europe. No matter which, none of these were reasonable schedules. Normally, arranging trips for three to five nights would be more appropriate. "Even though the exhaustion is quite unpleasant, the complete lack of elegance is the main problem. Traveling should be far more leisurely, an undertaking that should be comfortably enjoyed in a foreign country." In a rare moment, the usually cool and magnificent Erica was complaining with a tone of annoyance. Next to her, Liliana also responded with extreme displeasure. "Really... Well, if Black Prince-sama's personality is truly as rumored, then his motivations are not impossible to understand." The group had departed on Friday night and were now arriving back in Japan on Monday afternoon, the last of their three-day weekend. This was probably akin to a military forced march. Nevertheless, dozens of minutes later, Godou and his group were taking yet another holiday flight. "Sorry for your troubles. But a picture is worth a thousand words. I think it's best for you to get a firsthand view of the castle of strange rock that has appeared in Tokyo Bay." Amakasu explained in the helicopter. Due to the noisily spinning rotors, his voice was rather difficult to hear. Finally arriving at Haneda Airport to end their long distance journey, Godou and his group had been contacted by Amakasu. Let us survey magnificently from the air -- just as suggested, they headed off to an old staging area near the airport. It was hidden in a corner amongst many decrepit hangars whose ancient age was evident. At a spacious vacant lot indicated by Amakasu, several helicopters were waiting on standby. "I pulled some strings beforehand to prepare by borrowing some Japan Coast Guard helicopters. In fact, both Coast Guard and news agency helicopters are kept inside this hangar here." And so, the helicopter took flight. The interior of the mini-helicopter was rather cramped. However, this was Godou's first helicopter ride and his curiosity was piqued as he surveyed the inside of the cabin and peered out at the scenery outside. Naturally, Erica, Liliana and Amakasu also came along. There were also two pilots, most likely affiliated with the Committee. They simply acknowledged Godou without saying a word and focused on operating the aircraft. The helicopter reached the Tokyo Bay airspace soon after taking off. "Getting too close would have troublesome consequences, but we cannot start without looking at the real thing." "A castle of strange rock? Will it be the cause of rumors?" An island that suddenly surfaced in Tokyo Bay. It was far too ridiculous and abnormal. Godou's worried inquiry was met with Amakasu shaking his head. "It's a small island, but luckily nothing of that sort has happened yet. Only those related to shipping and a couple fishermen have discovered it so far. Information control is currently underway. Oh yeah, there are Coast Guard facilities nearby, so of course they also know." This portion of Tokyo Bay faced Tokyo, Kanagawa and Edomae of Chiba. Not only the shipping industry, but fishery also flourished in these parts. Infamous in the past for its murky polluted waters, Tokyo Bay had benefited from multi-decade efforts in ocean purification. Thus great results had been achieved such as vast gains in the fishery yield. ...In any case, this sea had many users so information control was very difficult. Godou was filled with sympathy as he thought of Amakasu and his crew's labors. Well, the petrification of the Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway the previous week was probably even worse. "Late last night, Committee-affiliated personnel sensed a great explosive increase in magical power in Tokyo Bay. They wondered if it was the appearance of a [Heretic God] -- and entered high alert. Flying on helicopters, they attempted all sorts of reconnaissance." Godou looked down at Tokyo Bay's great expanse as he traveled in the helicopter flying in the sunny holiday sky. As long as he ignored the exhaustion from the long trip, it was actually quite a pleasant experience. "Next, in the very center of Tokyo Bay ~ in the sea right between Yokosuka and Cape Futtsu, an island that had never existed until a few hours ago was discovered." As a side note, Yokosuka was a city situated in Kanagawa prefecture. It was also the location of the Yokosuka military port and an American military base. On the other side, Cape Futtsu was in Chiba prefecture. Godou recalled the map of the Tokyo Bay area. Compared to the commotion centered at the artificial island of Umihotaru last time, the current position was further south and closer to the outer sea. "Also, this is an island holding a terrifying amount of magical power. When I found out from Kusanagi-san that it was basically the doing of Prince Alec, I thought to myself, that explains everything." "...What is that?" Liliana narrowed her eyes as she gazed at a certain spot in the air ahead. "Is that a cloud...? Feels very unnatural." "What sharp vision, as expected of a witch. If all that happened was simply the surfacing of a terrifyingly shaped island, then there's no actual harm done. However, things are not so optimistic. Ah yes, it should be visible now." Prompted by Amakasu's words, Godou began to focus his eyes as well, forward beyond the pilots. A spiral of clouds stacked together lay ahead. It resembled the type of dark cloud cover which heralded the arrival of a thunderstorm. Shifting his gaze downwards from there, Godou figured it out. I see, it's the castle of strange rock. An exceptionally terrifying island was floating right there. It was covered by unevenly shaped rock. From a distance, greenery and soil were completely absent. All that could be seen were black walls of rock, rock beds and rock surfaces. It was really like a small island. "In terms of area, ah yes... About ten hectares or so. It's probably easier to grasp if I describe it as the size of an amusement park." As expected from the appearance, it was not very large. The center of the small island rose up like a mountain. A mountain of black rock almost fifty or sixty meters tall. This uneven mountain was also reminiscent of an ogre's face, which must be why Amakasu called it the 'castle of strange rock.' Furthermore, completely surrounding the island- There were rocky reefs which would cause ships to easily run aground. "...Could it be that no one has successfully approached the island so far? I can feel an extremely unsettling presence coming from those reefs." "Oh, right on the money, Liliana-san." Amakasu praised the silver-haired knight for her question. "All the boats sent to approach the island for investigations have been wrecked. Very clearly, the reef is an impediment. When the passengers jumped into the sea with their lifejackets and began swimming furiously, somehow they all ended up far away from the island." "So there were no casualties?" "Fortunately none so far. Due to the quick action of the rescue boats, all personnel were successfully saved." Godou was relieved to hear Amakasu's report. "Not sure what kind of mechanism it is, but lingering in the immediate waters of the island results in drifting to the coast -- various places at Kanagawa and Chiba." "Doesn't that make it something like the Devil's Sea?" [1] "Yes, indeed. But for a Devil's Sea to appear in Tokyo Bay, it's really no joking matter." "Perhaps, this could be the [Labyrinth]'s doing." Listening to Godou and Amakasu, Erica spoke up. "What's that?" "An authority of Prince Alec's. From a report personally written by Princess Alice, it is the power usurped from Minos the god of the land and the labyrinth." The authority to create labyrinths above and underground. In addition, it was not limited to creation. Existing places and structures -- whether official residences, buildings, underground tunnels, forests or even mist, anything could be turned into a labyrinth in accordance with Alec's wishes, Erica explained. "It is well within reason that the use of this authority on the sea can produce something like the Devil's Sea." "Ah... So we really should have gone with this possibility that we had suspected. Actually, there's yet another troublesome concern." Amakasu was muttering emphatically when Liliana suddenly cried out. "Ex--calibur? No, Divine Sword of Salvation! The same light as the lance of Sir Lancelot!?" "What's up, Liliana?" Godou asked the knight who was staring in shock at the island surrounded by dark clouds and rocky reefs. "Is it really some kind of spirit vision?" "Y-Yes. Sir Lancelot's holy lance -- the same light could be seen being released from the island for an instant. Also, there was the name of the sword." "Divine Sword of Salvation. The personal blade of the king who manifests at the end of eras. Sacred steel." Liliana explained as she expelled a deep breath, followed by Erica's murmurs. On the other hand, Amakasu seemed to be scratching his head with great worry in response to the knights' statements. "Ah... Kaoru-san also received the same kind of oracle as Liliana-san. Then there is no doubt. Something unimaginable is lying dormant on that island." "Is this all of that Gascoigne guy's doing? What on earth is he planning..." "It's also related to the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. Things have really become very troublesome..." While Godou muttered, Erica was puzzling over the situation next to him. For Erica to show such a reaction when she had always been the one who led everyone else by the nose, the only ones Godou knew who could accomplish such a feat were Salvatore Doni and Luo Cuilian. In short, only god-slaying Campiones. Black Prince Alec was apparently as talented as his peers in this regard. Godou and his group discussed their concerns and views as the shaky helicopter ride continued. The helicopter appeared to be avoiding the airspace of the "Floating Island" as much as possible, and basically circling it once. Along the way, the wireless communications in the cabin sounded and Amakasu picked it up. "Yes. Eh? Guinevere has been sighted at the remains of the excavation site?" Another member of the History Compilation Committee seemed to be contacting him. As Amakasu listened intently to the detailed report, Godou steeled his determination and signaled to Erica and Liliana through his eyes. That was sufficient. The red and blue knights immediately nodded in response. "We will make a brief visit. Perhaps some useful information can be obtained." Godou patted the shoulder of the young man of ninja descent. Godou was sick and tired of being played by the Black Prince. Passivity could not be allowed to continue. Action must be taken with initiative to change the situation. Noticing Godou's resolve, Amakasu nodded in acknowledgement as he continued his communications. Part 3 The helicopter carrying Godou and the rest was still flying in midair. Opening the cabin at this time would be extremely dangerous. Nevertheless, such recklessness was indeed required for the sake of using □liana's flight magic. Violent winds suddenly swept into the cabin as the door opened! "But Kusanagi-san, if you encounter Guinevere, Lancelot could also appear!? What are you going to do in that case!?" "No! I don't think it's likely!" Godou and Amakasu grabbed onto nearby objects to steady themselves as they yelled above the noise. As if trying to stop the strong winds from overwhelming their voices. "On what basis!?" "Guinevere's personality!" "Godou's right! Considering her usual caution, 'Avalon' where the King of the End sleeps must be near. I don't think she will be taking unnecessary risks!" Erica chimed in. She was right. Judging from the many actions the Divine Ancestor had taken in the past, it was apparent that she was an extremely cautious woman. She would not use her trump card so easily. ...Well, as for Lancelot himself, who knows? Whenever the white war god enters a frenzy, he becomes a battle maniac who even forgets whom he should be protecting... That was what Godou felt. "Then let us depart! Hold on tight!" Finishing the preparations for the ritual, Liliana yelled. Godou and Erica each placed a hand on the blue knight's shoulder. Immediately, blue light burst forth and they took flight. The destination was the beach at Kisarazu- The place where the Heavenly Reverse Halberd had been excavated last week. A lone red torii stood on the empty field which still showed clear signs of excavation by heavy machinery. Rather than this spot, Guinevere was standing closer to the beach, across the windbreak plantation. Over there. She was motionlessly gazing at the sea. Her blonde hair wavered gently in the breeze. Her wondrous girlish eyes shimmered with brilliance. Also, that exquisitely beautiful face like an antique doll's -- Divine Ancestor Guinevere indeed. Held in her hands was a bronze-colored disc. Perhaps some kind of alloy, for it appeared to be colored like a mixture of iron and gold. Guinevere embraced it with tender affection. As if it were the relic of someone she held dear- "Salutations. Would you be offended by this manner of greeting, Kusanagi-sama?" She must have noticed. Guinevere immediately turned around. Greeting with a curtsy as she held the hem of her black formal dress. All of a sudden, the disc disappeared from her hands. "I'm in a particularly bad mood, so quit it with the formalities." Godou responded coldly, the two knights standing on his left and right. Erica and Liliana were each clad in their respective capes of red and blue, readying themselves for battle. "Then let me offer my utmost apologies. The act of borrowing Your Highness' power a few days ago was truly impertinent." "Let that be. In the end, I also made use of your power." Godou replied indifferently to Guinevere's apology. "On the other hand, interference in my conflict with Athena cannot possibly be forgiven. I believe the debt you owe will be repaid one day." Godou was speaking in a cold tone of voice that even surprised himself. There was no anger at Guinevere and Lancelot for interfering in his duel with his enemy. Neither was there any hatred. All that was present was the conviction of "an eye for an eye." "I believe that day draws near. You should better prepare yourself." "Yes, certainly. Guinevere and Sir Knight are both keenly aware that the next encounter with Your Highness is inevitable. By the way, Kusanagi-sama, for the sake of caution, would you mind listening to Guinevere's question?" "What?" "Are you the one who raised the island where both the king who manifests at the end of eras and the Divine Blade of Salvation sleep -- Avalon?" Avalon. A location repeatedly mentioned recently. The island of the fairies where England's hero King Arthur sleeps. As the legends go, after fighting his nephew Mordred, he waited for his revival while his wounds were being healed on this island... "No, it wasn't me. It seems to be that guy, your old pal." "As expected... Guinevere also thought the same. It is most likely an invitation Alexandre-sama sent out for Guinevere." A shadow of worry entered Guinevere's eyes as she gazed at the vast open sea. "That person continues to harass without end! For him to have discovered before Guinevere the land of hopes that she seeks, and locking it away with his labyrinth authority, how truly contemptible...!" A statement of hatred. Godou was stunned for a moment. This emotional outburst was completely different from what he had witnessed from Guinevere all along. With only a superficial smile remaining, that wondrous lady-like demeanor was gone, and the intense emotions hidden in her heart revealed themselves. To think this witch also had a side like this -- how unexpected. "By the way, didn't you mention the Divine Sword of Salvation just now? Isn't that the spear Lancelot was wielding last time?" "No, it is the relic belonging to the King of the End." Guinevere replied indifferently to Godou's change of subject. "Our master is the strongest immortal hero. Nevertheless, after vanquishing all the god-slayers, he enters a dormant state akin to temporary death. While he restores himself from the state of exhaustion, he readies himself for his next coming -- when multiple Devil King Campiones roam free, threatening the world." In other words, lying in a state of suspended animation, waiting for Campiones to be born? The strongest [Steel]. Godou nodded, finally learning the true state of the sleeping one. "When Master enters sleep, his body dissociates and assimilates itself with the earth in order to accumulate its essence. When that happens, his remains appear in the form of a divine sword, marking the land like a tombstone." "Remains appearing in the form of a divine sword..." "Human magi seem to be calling them names with the likes of dragon bones, angel's remains, sacred relics. Guinevere had polished those remains once more to become Sir Knight's lance. Nevertheless, it is merely a fake. Only the one wielded by its owner the 'King of the End' can truly be the Divine Sword of Salvation." The Witch Queen once again stared out at sea, towards where the treasure she desired lay. "Guinevere and other Divine Ancestors are the miko who served the 'King of the End.' When Master arrives again, all of us shall hurry forth to serve under his command. However, so many god-slayers have already been born in the past millennium. Even so, Master still has not descended upon us once more." Guinevere lamented her situation poignantly. "We Divine Ancestors seek our sleeping Master, hoping Master will descend again. In our long and arduous search, many remains in the form of divine swords have been discovered. However, none of these locations held the sleeping Master--" I see. Godou figured it out. When multiple Campiones appeared on earth, the 'King of the End' apparently revived. And then he would start the war of annihilation to sweep the world clean of god-slayers. Even though it was unknown how many millennia ago it began, this cycle of dormancy and rebirth seemed to have already repeated many times. As a result, even if the divine sword remains were found, it did not mean he was present... "I have also tried summoning Master by magic, through promoting myths involving one of Master's sacred names, 'Arthur.' However, it failed. Or perhaps, considering there are other myths circulating under Master's alternate names, I have also searched for legends of [Steel] in both oriental and occidental lands." The witch and Divine Ancestor, neither immortal nor indestructible. In order to find the strongest [Steel], she resorted to reincarnation despite being murdered before her wish was fulfilled, thereby continuing her search. As if bound by a curse. In a certain sense, it was a pitiful existence. Hearing Guinevere's mutterings, Godou found himself slightly pitying those Divine Ancestors. "Then the long search finally came to fruition, by tracking down this land's legend of the 'Noble One who sleeps with the sword.' Furthermore, the divine sword's aura now emanates from that island." Godou immediately tensed as soon as Guinevere's gaze brightened. Both she and her protector were Godou's "enemies." "In the surroundings of where that one sleeps, legends of 'a hero who shall revive together with a divine sword' will always surface. Due to the divine splendor of the strongest [Steel], the legends have taken root deep in the hearts of humanity. The legend of Avalon that once existed in Britain has made its reappearance." Godou recalled the legend he recently heard from Kaoru. Queen Oto Tachibana-Hime, jumped into the sea with sword embosomed. Sea currents carried her sword to a landless location, whence a floating island subsequently appeared. That was indeed the island where the "King of the End" slept. Asserting thus, Guinevere turned to face Godou. "By the way, Kusanagi-sama, we have no objection to our inevitable battle against Your Highness. However, there is the saying, the enemy of an enemy is a friend. When a common enemy appears, it is not a bad idea to put our grudges aside to cooperate." "I don't think enemies can be determined that easily." "No. The way Guinevere sees it, Kusanagi-sama and the Black Prince are definitely incompatible. Once you have determined the Prince to be a hindrance, please do let me know." Hmm. Godou frowned. That was a separate matter anyway. This Guinevere is trying to borrow my power again? By the time he noticed, Guinevere was already drawing near. The previous week's memories reawakened. Another kiss? Godou stayed on high alert. "Guinevere-sama, please step back." "Ah yes. Approach any further and you will regret the consequences." Erica stepped forward as Liliana followed suit, grumbling. The two extended their hands in a stance ready to summon their magic swords. "Hohoho. How prepared. I would be most pleased if Your Highness would give my words some consideration. Nevertheless, Guinevere has no reasons of refutation. I shall take my leave for now!" Surrounded by light, she took flight. Steadily accelerating upwards, she disappeared into the ends of the sky. "Huh, so Guinevere-san said that." Amakasu arrived with the helicopter's landing on the beach. Hearing Godou's explanation, he remarked emphatically. "So that castle of strange rock is Avalon, eh? This is something that can't be ignored. As a Japanese, it would be more appropriate to call an island that surfaces in the Bousou Sea the Floating Island." "Hey Amakasu-san, so the object Prince Alec stole was the Heavenly Reverse Halberd." Erica began to talk to the History Compilation Committee member. "Isn't that the same name as the tool used by the gods to create the islands of Japan?" "Yes. Actually, the myth of the two gods Izanagi and Izanami's founding of the country seems to be an ancient legend originating from the seafaring tribes of southern Chuugoku^ region." "Prince Alec used the land-creating divine artifact to raise up that island...? This is the most simple and direct explanation one can deduce..." Seeing Erica and Liliana deep in thought, Amakasu relaxed his shoulders. "Everyone, let's go home for today. It's really been a long and arduous journey. You should all get some rest in preparation for what is to come." And so, Amakasu gave Godou and the rest a lift back to Tokyo's Bunkyou ward. Still, Godou remained worried about Yuri and Alice who continued with investigations in Europe- Amakasu stopped before the shopping street of Sanchoume at Nezu. Home sweet home. Due to the brief but eventful journey, Godou felt like he had been away from home for ten days. Watching Amakasu's car leave, Godou suddenly noticed. His childhood friend Asuka was standing at the entrance to the commercial street. "What are you doing? Waiting for someone?" "Uh yes, pretty much. Godou, you just came back eh?" Before he knew it, the sun had already set and it was night. It was already the time when visitors to the commercial street had thinned out. At a time like this, Asuka was standing before the entrance to the commercial street, looking like she was waiting for someone. "Ah yes. Even though it got a bit messy, I was able to return home at least." "It has been quite a while, Tokunaga Asuka." Standing by Godou's side, Liliana also tried to make conversation with his childhood friend. However, Asuka simply answered vaguely with "Umm, yes, it's been a while." For some reason, her usual domineering glare had vanished today, showing only meekness. Her gaze was focused towards Erica Blandelli. A strikingly beautiful girl whose natural beauty was further enhanced by splendorous presence and talent. With those well-trained manners from a Milanese education, it was only natural for her to become the focus of any situation. "By the way, I guess it's the first time for you two to meet. Asuka, this is Mariya and Liliana's friend, Erica. And Erica, this is my longtime friend Asuka. You've never met before, right?" "Right. Though I've heard her name before." Erica nodded in response to Godou's introductions. Walking immediately up to Asuka, Erica bore a smile that could only be described as synonymous to elegance itself. "A pleasure to meet you. My name is Erica Blandelli. As you can hear, my Japanese is perfect so you don't have to worry. Also, perhaps you may know already, but Godou and I share an extremely intimate relationship. I hope you don't mind." "Extremely intimate -- ah, I've heard rumors at least." For some reason, Asuka's face began twitching for an instant after hearing Erica's cheerful self-introduction. "Is that so? Then there's no need to spell out the details." On the other hand, Erica was bearing a blooming smile like a flourishing Japanese camellia flower. A gorgeous smile. It was a radiant smile from the heart without any reservations. "In actual fact, I had wanted to visit all of Godou's longtime friends. Letting them all know the name of Erica Blandelli should prove to be convenient for various things in the future." "Hey you, plotting that kind of thing after all." "Oh my, plotting is such an unexpected description. It'd be nice if the ones close to you can become our mutual friends, wouldn't you agree?" This was a mode of thinking that Liliana, Yuri, and definitely Ena would not even consider. However, Erica explained it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. The goal of expanding social circles required a habit of conscious cultivation of friendships. Possessing the quality of becoming the center of attention and popularity in no matter what kind of organization, that was Erica's true nature. "However, even without that sort of intentions, I feel like I can become great friends with Asuka-san. I shall be in your care. Most likely, we will be running into each other frequently from now on." In addition, Erica did not neglect to smile at the hesitating Asuka. Entering a carefree dialogue to help reduce the sense of distance, she was socially skilled indeed. Well, that said, Erica was still a person who often acted recklessly as she pleased... "Umm, yes. I'll be in your care." "What is the matter, Tokunaga Asuka? You do not seem very well?" The extremely domineering childhood friend whose scoldings were as common as greetings. Such was Asuka's original personality, but somehow she had become so meek in front of Erica she was like a different person. Feeling puzzled, Liliana questioned with a surprised expression. "N-No, I'm fine, don't worry! It's just something that makes me slightly concerned!" "Something makes you concerned? If you don't mind, you can talk it out with me." "It's my own problem, so mind your own business! Anyway, you have to put some thought into Shizuka-chan's present! There's not much time left!" As soon as she switched to speaking with Godou, Asuka's state seemed to recover instantly. What on earth was going on? It felt like the childhood friend was watching Erica as if she was some kind of exceptionally bright object. "So, we'll be going. Are you waiting for someone?" Recalling the first thing she had said, Godou asked. Unexpectedly, Asuka shook her head. "It's done. And just so you know, I was waiting for you." "Eh, me? Why?" "Someone who knows you is waiting at our shop. I used to think the only foreigners you knew were Erica-san and Liliana-san, but never expected such a handsome foreign gentleman to be your friend." "...That guy, could he be blonde?" The shop mentioned by Asuka was the family business passed down for generations, the sushi shop "Sushi-Toku." Someone considered a handsome foreigner. Godou immediately recalled the retarded Italian. Did that guy finally come around to my neighborhood? However... "No, he's tall and black-haired. Half an hour ago, he was standing here, drinking canned coffee. Seeing as he was a foreign stranger, I went up and asked if he was lost." She probably started a conversation with a clumsy mixture of English and Japanese. An ordinary girl would never act in such a friendly manner but Asuka always seemed so fearless. Precisely because of that, Godou felt it was rather jarring that she displayed such apprehension only in front of Erica. "His Japanese was very fluent. 'I am waiting for the man called Kusanagi Godou' was what he said. So I told him it was someone I knew but had gone traveling abroad. Then he asserted 'He'll be back immediately, I'm absolutely certain' just like that." And so Asuka had advised him "In that case, why don't you wait in our shop?" Hearing this exchange, Godou immediately signaled to his two companions with his eyes. "Could it be possible, even that person has...!?" Liliana's eyes seemed to be saying. "Even though unexpected, it is very possible--" said Erica with her eyes. Godou immediately broke into a run. Running straight to the sushi shop he had known since childhood. Crack! The slide door flew open with great momentum. On this Sunday night, within "Sushi-Toku" that was bustling with customers, a black-haired young man with eyes of black was sitting next to the cashier. A handsome man with a pale white complexion, tall physique, and wearing a stylish black jacket. He was drinking sake from a cup as he dined on a sashimi platter to go with the alcohol. His sharp gaze turned towards the entrance. As their eyes met, Godou and the man glared at each other head on. As this was not an encounter with a god, there was no sense of overflowing battle spirit or power. However, Godou was certain beyond doubt. This guy was Alexandre Gascoigne, the English Campione who had been playing Godou for a fool. Part 4 "The one I'm waiting for finally arrived. Later than expected." Alec grumbled as he laid down several 10000 yen notes at the cashier. He immediately stood up without waiting for the change. "Thank you for the hospitality. Should there be another opportunity, I shall enjoy a longer stay. Ah yes, sorry for all the trouble." Alec had just reached the entrance to the shop. At that very moment, Asuka arrived from behind Godou, panting nonstop. She looked like she had been chasing after the childhood friend who suddenly ran here. "...You two are friends, right?" Asking with a bit of worry, she seemed to have sensed the tense atmosphere between Godou and Alec. "Rather than friends, more like acquaintances... No, a bit different from that." "Ah yes. Kin, two of a kind, birds of a feather. Such descriptions should be appropriate." Godou and Alec simply gave Asuka a quick glance. Neither of them shifted their gaze away from the other Campione. Or more accurately, they could not shift their gazes. Based on the fact that neither of them was supposed to be the type of person who rampaged recklessly, they should be dealing with each other in a more calm and composed manner. Nevertheless, Godou did not take his eyes off Alec and neither did Alec shift his gaze from Godou. "Go for a quick walk?" "Sure." Godou responded curtly to Alec's suggestion and the two exited the sushi shop. Continuing to stare at each other was not a solution. Godou deliberately walked beside Alec, as if trying to avoid seeing his face. The other guy seemed to be thinking the same thing. Godou and Alec walked side by side without saying anything. This probably made them look like a pair of friends. Realizing that, Godou instantly felt displeased. Alec was definitely feeling the same thing. Erica and Liliana had been waiting outside the shop. Godou motioned with his eyes and the knights followed silently. "Looks like you can't even take a walk without female company." "Better than someone who doesn't even tell his subordinates and companions where he's going." Standing shoulder to shoulder like friends, but bickering with vitriol. Why? Godou began to feel anxious. This was his first time -- no, this was the same sense of anxiety he felt when he met Salvatore Doni. A completely unfounded sense of competitiveness against the man before him. A rising sense of hostility had been aroused. "I already advised you not to return for now, and yet you deliberately came running back..." Alec entered the main topic without even bothering to introduce himself. Godou did not mind. As humans, an appropriate level of manners was desirable, but for us two right now, it was unnecessary. "Could you do as the letter suggested?" Leaving the commercial street at Nezu Sanchoume, the two of them walked into the area of Nezu Shrine. Luckily there were no other people around. Godou replied without holding back. "Looking at it the other way, anyone would consider that a challenge." "Useless and redundant competitive spirit. For me to revive 'Avalon' and cause this incident at this time, you should have understood my goals and intentions." As if anyone would understand! Godou was amazed as Alec continued to harangue. "Why not stand back and watch? You should wait until things have settled before venturing out. If I were in your shoes, that's what I'd do without any hesitation. It would be the most relaxing and efficient way. And you don't waste unnecessary power." "As if anyone would do that! On the contrary, they'd come back to check out the situation instead, right?" "Hmph, you really are a Campione. A savage who acts on impulse instead of reason. What good are you if you can't even do something as simple as sitting back and solving a locked room mystery?"^ "Completely unnecessary. Instead of guessing randomly about the identity of the murderer, just do things properly by looking for clues at the scene!" It was turning into a childish argument. Even though the witch had seemed like a sheltered lady oblivious to the real world, her assessment of character was perhaps rather accurate. Kusanagi Godou and Black Prince Alec, were indeed rather incompatible... "By the way, aren't you the one who stole the artifact we unearthed? Shouldn't a thief get off his high horse?" "Only borrowing. I already wrote clearly on the letter I'd return it as soon as things are settled." "I've heard that you have borrowed many times without returning. Tsk, you really are the worst amongst Campiones. What a weirdo who never considers the trouble you bring to others." "You're in no place to say such words. You savage who causes destruction everywhere you go. With the things you do all over the world, you are just a terrorist no matter how conservatively you estimate the damage. How carefree of you to ignore your own issues." As they argued against each other, Godou's lips were distorted by rage while Alec's face was filled with fury. What was this feeling? Both knew so much about each other's weaknesses and the ugly truths they did not wish to face. "Basically, I still don't understand what goal you're talking about. What are you planning by making that island in Tokyo Bay?" Godou abruptly changed the subject. "If you don't understand, then enjoy the show until the matter is over. Anyway, I've already used my authority to turn that island into a labyrinth. Approach at your own risk." "Alexandre-sama, may I ask a question?" Walking with Liliana behind them, Erica suddenly spoke up. "Call me Alec instead. Whether writing or pronouncing, that name is such a pain." "Then Alec, may I confirm a fact. The so-called king who manifests at the end of eras, is the god who descends for the purpose of exterminating the Devil Kings when a number of Campiones appear on earth...?" "Indeed. The god for exterminating all the Devil Kings... Though I still have a few doubts in this regard." Apparently, his enmity towards Kusanagi Godou did not extend to the knights. "After seeing that Great Sage Equaling Heaven who appeared several months ago, my opinion changed. For that monkey to be so powerful, it seems to be the same power used by the 'King of the End' as part of his Devil King-exterminating authority." "Furthermore, the 'King of the End' disappears from earth as soon as all god-slayers are eliminated, entering deep slumber until the time when multiple Campiones appear again--" "An acceptable description. However, seven Devil Kings have already appeared and yet he remains asleep." Black Prince Alec replied rather cautiously. Godou was somewhat surprised. Despite his arrogant personality, this man did not mind instructing others. In actual fact, he was probably someone who was good at looking after people. "What I suspect is, a few centuries after the 'King of the End' battled in England, he descended somewhere in Asia. At that time, he also exterminated the god-slayers and went to sleep. That somewhere in Asia is indeed Japan, in the region of Tokyo Bay." After questioning, Erica suddenly proposed her speculation. Alec simply answered "Oh" in acknowledgement. "The little island that surfaced in Tokyo Bay must be where he sleeps. But as luck would have it, Japan has its elders -- the group of guardians centered around the heroic deity Susanoo. Seeing the King of the End' as a threat, they sank the 'island' into the sea using some kind of wizardry. The key to this wizardry is the Heavenly Reverse Halberd. Thereafter, Alec discovered how to use this halberd and made the island surface again. Is that correct?" The Heavenly Reverse Halberd. The same name as the divine artifact used to create the islands of Japan. So in the past, Susanoo and his group did not create an "island," but sank it into the sea instead? It was an imaginative but reasonable hypothesis. Erica's speculation seemed bold but the logic was sound. How would the Black Prince react? "...That's rather sharp of you. Though it's not exactly correct, you've managed to outline a rough picture of the truth." Alec looked at her as if impressed by an excellent student. "Let me tell you a hint, that of the name of the so-called 'Leech Child.' The rest is left as an exercise for you people. For Guinevere, that island is a final destination she cannot disregard. However, I have prepared a trap there to send that witch to her grave." "...You're planning on taking out Guinevere?" Alec immediately nodded at Godou's question. "That woman owes me. The likes of making counterfeits of the Holy Grail has incurred multiple debts. It's about time to make her pay. Though she's cautious and good at running away, with Avalon prepared, she will surely fall into the trap." Alec's facial profile displayed unshakable willpower as he spoke. This man was a god-slayer after all. Even if he had a few idiosyncrasies, he was still a natural born god-slaying warrior. That type of ferocity of his was now clearly displayed. "I see... However, Lancelot who guards Guinevere is my enemy." If Alec wants to defeat her, just leave it all to him. As a pacifist, unnecessary battles should be avoided as much as possible. Even though the idea clearly crossed his mind, Godou did not give voice to it. "I can't let you have them. Besides, you don't lose anything by retreating now." "I could say the same to you. After all, Lancelot is just an enemy you fought once, right? Stop acting like you own the place." Glaring at each other, both refused to back down. Emotions of hostility and resistance were starting to get fired up. Unbelievable. Was it because these two Campiones were rather close in age? Or was contention over the Heavenly Reverse Halberd the root cause? Godou and Alec could feel ferocious battle spirit from each other that had been absent when they first met just now. "May I offer a suggestion to you two?" Liliana suddenly spoke. She had been watching the situation silently until now, so why was she entering the fray? Godou nodded in puzzlement as Alec answered "Sure." "Alexandre-sama, or rather, Alec's target is Guinevere. Then there is Kusanagi Godou's wish to fight Sir Lancelot. In that case, since both sides wish to fight against their respective opponents, it would seem appropriate to form an alliance." "...Oh?" "...Hmm." That's right, this should have been the first topic of discussion from the very start. The two pondered for a moment, but quickly reached a conclusion. Without any coordination beforehand, Godou and Alec gave the same answer simultaneously. Going "tsk" and smacking their lips at the same time, they looked away and turned their backs on Erica and Liliana. (Hey, are those two not a perfect match for each other after all?) (That's so true. Even though their personalities are clearly incompatible and their rhythm is supposed to be off, right?) (Their personalities are supposed to be completely different, but there seem to be subtle similarities in certain areas.) (Whether Godou or the Black Prince, both are incredibly vain. They both insist "I am different from other Campiones.") (I see. It is akin to looking at a distorting mirror and seeing a distasteful reflection of oneself.) (They must be aware that even though the other person's character was opposite to themselves, similarities exist. Hence the resulting intensity of revulsion. Most likely, that kind of feeling is like listening to your own recorded voice.) Erica and Liliana could be heard whispering behind his back. Godou secretly cursed them a thousand times for their gossiping ways. Alec also frowned, most likely feeling the same thing. The two Devil Kings pretentiously faced each other once again. "I have said everything I wish to inform you about, Kusanagi Godou. If you still want to interfere, prepare yourself for the consequences." Alec declared, speaking the name of Kusanagi Godou for the first time. "You're the one who should be careful, Gascoigne. If you do anything to harm where I live, I will not remain silent." Godou responded with a tone of warning that he seldom employed. The two knights watched as the Black Prince sneered and left. Whether the Devil King of Swords, the old Marquis of Eastern Europe, the sworn elder sister who commanded the Chinese martial realm, the hero of North America, any of these so-called peers who had recently appeared one after another, none of them seemed possible to establish friendly relations with. Part 5 While Kusanagi Godou and the Campione of divine speed were having their verbal dispute... The war god in white armor was silently staring up at the moon. Lancelot du Lac. The one known as the Knight of the Lake. Wielder of the divine lance Excaliburand protector of Witch Queen Guinevere. Protected from head to foot by white armor. Helmet, breastplate, gauntlets, greaves -- Nowhere was any skin exposed. He was at a beach, basking in the moonlight. Having gazed at the distant full moon, he turned towards the ocean before him. Avalon was floating straight ahead. This was the island where his master, the hero once known as "Artos" in the land of Britain, lay sleeping. The enemy Alexandre Gascoigne had made this island surface. Surely it was to summon Guinevere as well as her protector Lancelot. Furthermore, Kusanagi Godou, who had promised a second battle, had apparently returned as well. --Alas! Lancelot lamented. The day of battle was drawing near, but he had yet to fully revive. This must have been due to the recent battle against Athena and Kusanagi Godou which had delayed the recovery of divine power. Fighting in the current state will result in premature depletion of power again. He had never liked prolonged battles or wars of attrition. It was Lancelot's true style to gallop at maximum speed for a full-powered attack, sweeping all his enemies away. But in his current state, a single charge would deplete his strength. For the sake of battling without reservation, he had to prepare well for the second and third charges. Time was needed. Time for retrieving divine power. -No. Lancelot realized that was surely not the case. "This Knight's wish is to reach a conclusion with that youth without being burdened by any restrictions..." Discerning his true wish with clarity, he gained a new sense of self understanding. Not even a fortnight had passed since the previous battle. Kusanagi Godou -- the details of the intense battle with the young god-slayer were still vivid in memory. "Kusanagi Godou... The name of the foe this Knight shall vanquish. Hohoho, what a sound to be cherished." He savored the name as it rolled off the tongue like fine wine. The youth who had been bound to Athena by unfavorable fate. Recalling that face, calling out that name, Lancelot could feel his heart stir with excitement as he recalled the youth's strength and bravery. Blood was boiling. The soul was shaking. "One desires power. One desires time for the sake of healing this wound-riddled body. One desires the blade for meeting that youth in battle, clashing together, slicing each other, exchanging blows." In actual fact, this wish was already within reach. A complete makeover. Very likely, it would fully manifest the divinity of the heretical war god who would abandon the girl under his protection. However, it came at the cost of changing oneself. -Alas! What sweet temptation! Just as Lancelot sighed silently as he contemplated under the clear bright moon... "Sir Knight. So you are here." A voice from behind. Guinevere had arrived. "Ah yes. What is the situation?" Lancelot turned around and answered in a carefree tone of voice. He should not burden this girl with unnecessary worries. "Most regrettably, failure. As expected, it is impossible to land on Avalon without breaking through Prince Alec's labyrinth... Other than that particular method." "The method of manifesting Minos the god of the land and the labyrinth?" Guinevere recounted with a worried expression while Lancelot muttered in response. Alec's labyrinth authority had been usurped from the Cretan bull-headed god Minos. In the past, Guinevere had emulated a portion of Minos' divinity and manifested it. This was achieved using the spirit power of [Divine Summoning] that only Divine Ancestors could use. As long as the divinity of Minos as the god of the labyrinth was emulated, it should be possible to break through Alec's labyrinth. "However, creating fake gods requires the Holy Grail's magical power. Not only that, a huge amount is needed. Fortunately, the magical power absorbed from Athena has provided ample stores." "Using the Holy Grail to summon a fake god would be deviating from its intended usage." Storing and supplying the essence of the earth was the Holy Grail's original function. "Gascoigne also knows this. Beloved child, he is trying to bait you into doing so. Forcing you to manifest fake Minos, and then drawing you into Avalon." Guinevere was in possession of three trump cards. Lancelot, the Holy Grail, and the divine lance Excalibur. If the Grail was used to summon a fake god, it would become unusable for a certain reason. Not only that, the divine lance also depended on the Grail for supplying magical power. This meant losing two trump cards. "Yes, indeed that is true. Nevertheless, Guinevere is still obliged to go!" Tears flooded Guinevere's eyes as she was overcome with anger and humiliation. Her tearful gaze was pointed towards the other side of the sea. "It cannot be helped. Unless fake Minos is used to destroy the maze, Avalon cannot be entered. Before that, this Knight shall spare no effort." Identifying clearly what he must do, Lancelot declared with bold magnificence. Yes. The recovery of divine power was only secondary. It was enough to use all strength from this inadequate body and fulfill the duties of a knight. All redundant emotions must be abandoned. However- "If only Kusanagi-sama could be won over to fight against Prince Alec then things would be a lot easier. If that could be done, then Guinevere and you can focus completely on breaking into Avalon." But Guinevere said it. The name of the enemy whose mention boiled the war god's blood. That scene too! "Not too long ago, Guinevere had used Kusanagi-sama for the sake of conspiring against Athena. Getting him to fall for another trick would be unlikely. It would probably be better to consider some other method." "No... As expected, how about that method?" The white war god uttered it. The sentence that was about to unlock the gates of taboo. "Did you forget? This Knight happens to be the god whose very existence is founded upon madness and passion. This god of madness shall let both this Knight and that youth's blood boil with passion." "--Sir Knight?" "Hohoho, this is the plan. Kusanagi Godou shall first be won over, and after he assists in vanquishing Gascoigne, this Knight shall have a duel with him. By this Knight's divine might, it shall be done!" "But Sir Knight, achieving this plan means you need to get close to Kusanagi-sama." Guinevere warned Lancelot in a soft and worried voice. "What now, there exists a spell for this purpose. Even though one stands as a knight, one's true nature is a barbarian with neither aspirations nor philosophy, a ferocious soldier unfettered by morals or reason. Acts of insanity beyond the ability of typical gods, only this Knight shall accomplish..." Quietly muttering, the white war god commanded the beloved child. "This has not been done for eons. Beloved child, assist this Knight!" Just as the Witch Queen and the war god headed towards the Bousou Sea again, the god-slayers were restlessly biding their time. On the island known as Avalon as well as the Floating Island, surrounding the Divine Sword of Salvation, the battle stage was about to be unveiled. References 1 . t Devil's Sea{M<DM): also known as the "Pacific Bermuda Triangle," a region of the Pacific around Miyake Island 100km south of Tokyo and said to be a danger zone according to Japanese maps. 2. t ChuugokuC^ 1 HI): not to be confused with China (which is written with the same kanji), Chuugoku (meaning "middle country") refers to the westernmost region of Honshu, the largest island of Japan. 3. t Locked room mystery: a sub-genre of detective fiction where a crime is committed under seemingly impossible conditions.

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