Published at 11th of November 2019 11:49:37 AM

Chapter 92

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As if beckoning me to the dark forest, I made my move towards the area. Although the goal to infiltrate the elf camp is postponed, the monsters here made us get delayed further. What is more, all of the heavy hitters in my team are all down. I wonder how I come to be immune to this effect though? There is a slight disturbance to my emotions but other than that, none. However, I know how potent the illusions are since even the Catmod who seemed to be a Rank 6 is also affected and a worse one at that.

Although there is an advantage to me being highly resistant to illusions, it's a downside since I am left alone in the forest with all danger lurking in the shadows. I don't trust the dryad that seems to keep on waving at me. Although she looks like an innocent girl, I heard in the stories and legends that dryads tend to lure men deep in the forest as attractive women. Many unsuspecting men tend to get lured by them and never to be heard again. As to why I am following this particular dryad to the forest, it was pure curiosity and also to eliminate the source of the illusions. With me being resistant to illusions, dryads are just lesser creatures for me.

I equip the gloves on and continue forth with caution as a priority. I made a mana scan in the surroundings. There are many things that emit mana in this place which shocked me since most of them appear to be inanimate objects that usually don't give out mana. The dryad continues to lure me in. Also, I can hear a very soothing voice in the distance, singing a song. I frowned on this since dryads do not sing an enthralling voice to attract. They rely on physical allure. Now, I am hearing a sound of singing in the direction we are looking for.

The greenery and the bushes start to get extremely common and it already covered my shoes. Of course, I used Mana Scan to check the areas I am walking and avoid stepping traps and of course, creatures. There are too many creatures that seemed to lurk on the grass, ready to strike whenever they are stepped out. Unfortunately for them, I have no time stepping on them. Aside from the small creatures, there are also vines that emit quite a lot of strong mana and even though they are not moving an inch, I am quite sure that these vines are part of the small parts the dryad has and by leading me here, it hopes to catch me via this cheap trick.

I can see from the looks of the dryad that it is surprised since I managed to avoid most of her traps that she laid out. Still, her face continues to remain the same so to avoid being detected from her schemes. But she didn't know I already know those.

I can sense that she rearranges the structure of the vines in the area to a much more complicated web-like structures on the ground. Looks like she is hoping to catch me as soon as possible. I frowned seeing this and before I can step on one vine, I quickly controlled it by using telekinesis. I am not a master in Telekinesis magic but it's quite easy to control which made it as one of the magic that can be easily used in my arsenal.

With the telekinesis, I move the vine controlled by my telekinesis and whip it up to the dryad who did not expect my retaliation. She quickly blocked her own vine and retracted most of it. The dryad no longer bears the same calm demeanour she showed earlier, instead, she showed a very hostile look at me. I did not bother if she is hostile or not. Since she is messing with me, I would never back out and let myself get bullied like how I used to be. I have changed.


Flames engulf my fists, ready to be used. The dryad snarls as it saw the flames in my hands. It hesitated a bit but because she is a mighty dryad, she refuses to back down. She raised her right hand and several vines started appearing one by one on the ground. She has no intention of surrendering without a fight. If she is like that, I won't be kind on her then.

The dryad pointed her forefinger to me and with that signal, the vines moved like it gained life and started lunging towards me like a threatened snake. They were swift and hard to pinpoint but in my eyes, the movement of the vine is like a book that is so easy to read.

I hurled one of the fireballs into the incoming vines. And since they are just plants, after the vines touched the flames I hurled, the vines catch into flames and burned to ashes very easily. The dryad seems to expect that and quickly raised a lot of vines altogether. There are also several vines on the ground that quickly slithered out attempts to attack me. Still, those attacks are petty. Even with the necklace that restricts my movements, it didn't hamper me from escaping the incoming attack. I dodge into the side and hurled another fireball into the vines. I also released another fireball aimed into the dryad but the dryad is also on defensive too.

Just a single dodge, I made a swift return and make a run forward to the dryad with flames in my hands. I didn't bother with the dryads vines and dodged them as they pass through me. I frowned seeing that the dryad seems to be able to hold off on its own despite the severe flames I keep on releasing to her.

I continue to close my distance to her and when I am about around 5 meters aw from her, she suddenly released a lot of spores. As soon as the spores flew towards my direction, my head suddenly hurts and vivid images of random things started appearing on my mind. Another f*cking illusion!

My vision started to get really blurry but I did not want to retreat, therefore, I released another fireball to the direction where the dryad was standing. But with the vision of mine getting blurry, it hampered a lot to my mobility and attacks. I underestimated the dryad. Before I can move away, I can feel the vines started coiling me like a python squeezing its prey to death. My escape has been closed off!

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