Published at 20th of April 2020 10:49:58 PM

Chapter 80

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Netizens saw the title and found that this was the video of “Rebellious Youth”.

At the beginning of the video, the surroundings were dark. They were barely able to distinguish everyone.


Then Liu Su with blood on her face ran to them. The staff patiently treated her face. Then, as Tang Bowen suggested, the girls went down the mountain.

Immediately afterwards, the staff and the two teenagers went into the jungle. When everyone was exhausted, they heard the roar of the wild boar echoing.

They ran over in the direction of the sound, and then saw Wei Ying and the wild boar.

When they arrived, the boar’s body was crushed under the stone, Wei Ying was stepping on the boar’s face with her feet and kept pounding it with a stick.


As the camera passed, the girl threatened him with a stick pointing his eyes. Her posture was super cool.

This look instantly reached the netizens outside the screen.

The comment area was filled-


“How did she bury the wild boar under the stone? I have to say that she was smart to propagate her environment protection propaganda by catching the wild boar.”

“If you are strong, then some people will boast about you.But if you are weak, then they damn you. Earlier, you guys said that Wei Ying dragged down the crew, did you get slapped in the face?”

“Face slap +1.”

“Wei Ying, is really cool! Does anyone think she has a figure of a model?”


Online reviews had improved, and people who scolded Wei Ying seemed to have changed their opinion.

The internet was so weird.

When she was incapable to fight back, she was accused. They ignored her kindness and accused her for dragging down the whole crew. When she came back with enough power, the people immediately took a U-turn, completely forgetting how they talked about her before.

Of course, Wei Ying couldn’t see these remarks online.


After the live broadcast resumed, the second topic about Wei Ying was again popular.

#A strong girl catches a wild boar to promote environmental protection#

A netizen named “Yuanyuan” intercepted a video clip and said on Weibo, “Ying really led everyone to pick garbage and protect the environment! In order to persuade everyone to collect garbage together, she even risked her life and went to catch the wild boar! She is a sturdy activist whose priority is environmental protection! Everyone, we must protect the environment! From today we are all garbage picking girls! [Video]”

This Weibo was praised by the film emperor Xu Jianghuai. So it added more fire. The fans also shouted-

“For our environment, pick the garbage! Rush!”

“It’s actually the Weibo of a filmmaker! The filmmaker also watches the Rebellious Youth? Oh my God! Pick up garbage to protect the environment!”

The following tens of thousands of messages indicated that they would follow Wei Ying to work for environmental protection.

Fang Yuan hit the iron while hot and quickly established a club of #Are you environmentally friendly today?#

Many people started to sign in and be environmentally friendly.

Many netizens found it interesting.

Netizen Q, “I picked up some trash just now from the roadside, and threw it into a recyclable bin. [Picture]”

Netizen T, “I picked it too! I picked the plastic bag on the lawn. [Picture]”

With such daily Weibos on environmental protection the popularity increased. Because of the power of Xu Jianghuai, this topic actually reached as much as 20,000.

In the early morning, there was another topic.

#Did you pick up trash today as Yingying said?#

As soon as Wei Ying fell asleep, her body was awakened by a notification. When she woke up, the little golden words appeared again.

“Congratulations, Ghost value has reached 67.”

“Bonus note: If you want to quickly pass the next bottleneck, please continue to expand your network and spread awareness”

The energy in her body increased and she became stronger again.

This was the first time she had received the upgrade tips, which meant that this time the bottleneck period should be harder than ever. How could she continue to expand the popularity of environmental protection and raise her cultivation?

Wei Ying had been in the entertainment industry in her previous life. Of course, the more well-known a person was, the more so-called black history materials and hatred existed.

She wanted to let her popularity raise without any negative opinions on her. Obviously, she needed someone to help her control the public opinions.

But now she didn’t have a cyber team. Who would help her? Even if she wanted to hire a cyber team, it would take a lot of money.

Wei Ying sighed.

It would be nice if a ghost could help her control the network and reverse the flow of negative opinions. Not only would it save money, she could also be assured of doing things.

Wei Ying held her chin and thought.

Could the ghost in red do this work? No, she died too early and didn’t know much about computers.

What about Gu Heng and Xiao Ba? No, Gu Heng did not understand the entertainment industry.

It was a headache. She sighed again.

So she simply stopped thinking, and she continued to sleep with her head covered.

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