Published at 10th of January 2019 01:15:05 AM

Chapter 124: 124

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This is my first time visiting my twin brother. We didn't have the time to do so during the holidays because we took a break from our Gate Guardian duties. Now that we're back on the job, we can now face the man whom Rikkun hates the most.

Diadem Solstice.

My cursed twin. He's responsible for killing three of Rikkun's best friends, and his subordinate killed Heushac's sister. During the past seven million timelines, he's mostly the villain.

We're now in the Black Cross Prison. I have finally met him again face to face. Behind that transparent glass is my twin brother, who is still being held captive. For some reason, Necchan's wish didn't purify him. He's still the very same Cursed Guardian. That is why his hand is sealed by a cybernetic jar-like handcuff to prevent him from opening a Gate to escape.

"It's been a while, my beautiful twin sister…" Diadem's red eyes glowed with an aura of menace. The triangle sigil on his irises gave me a slight dose of fear. "I thought you're not going to visit me. I thought you'll let me rot here alone."

"...Diadem... " I held my aching chest.

My silver-haired twin smirked as he gazed upon Rikkun. "So the mighty Alaric Eisenhower got over his hatred through love. Too bad, the one who removed your hatred is no more~"

"Shut up..." Rikkun clenched his fist. "Why… Why are you still cursed? Did the <Song of Salvation> have no effect on you?"

"No, it affected me. Thought it's just mere seconds before I got cursed again. No matter what I do, this Fake God Core in my heart will feed me hatred and disgust." Diadem maintained his smirk. "It's because of that damned Outsider."

"Stop blaming anyone else. You became cursed because you did heinous things." Rikkun said.

"Ha!" Diadem's sarcasm intensifies. "You don't know what you're talking about! I traded my soul to change fate, just like you! But that Outsider tricked me on signing a contract that only has a win situation in his end! I'm pretty sure he's toying with you too!"

"The Outsider helped me save Tiara from the curse of the Brightmore Witch! He gave me the power to save my friends!" Bam! Rikkun slammed his fist on the glass. "Stop talking as if you're not the bad guy here!"

"Oh, I am." Diadem laughed. "Yes… I'm the bad guy here. But there are even worse guys. And that Outsider is the perfect example. He's desperately doing everything he can, no matter if it's good or bad, just to defrost his loved one from the freezer."

"Are you talking about the Frozen Soul's awakening?" Rikkun's voice is filled with doubt. "That's impossible. He's even the one who asked me to prevent it from waking up. And he-"

"...He said that my beautiful sister is the one to sing the <Song of Salvation>, is it not?" Diadem cut Rikkun with his life-threatening glare. At that moment, Rikkun went speechless.

But Diadem still continued. "I swear to god, Alaric Eisenhower. If you get my twin involved in this, I'll kill you with my own two hands."

"So you think he's lying?" Rikkun clenched his fist tighter.

"Of course." Diadem answered without hesitation.

"And you're hoping that we will believe you?" Rikkun laughed. "You're a murderer. After all those things you have done, there's no way we'll take all those shits that comes from your mouth."

"You're such an idiot, Alaric Eisenhower." Diadem returned with a smug.

"No, you!"

Rikkun was about to burst again but I stopped him by holding his hand. I stared at his eyes and shook my head. "Rikkun, stop. He's just channeling your hatred."

Rikkun made a deep sigh that made him calm down a bit. This is bad. If we keep talking to my twin, Rikkun's blood pressure would stay high for a hundred more years. I would want to finish this conversation sooner.

"Before we leave… I just have one question for you, my brother." I said with a serious glare. "Tell me… Where is father?"

Diadem made an innocent smile at me; his passionate eyes piercing my heart. For some reason, I can still sense a glimpse of sibling love from his aura, as if he really cares about my well being.

"I'm sorry, my lovable Tiara. I don't know his whereabouts. But I'm sure… he's watching you."


Afternoon. We're now back in Heightsburg, walking home to the shrine. The atmosphere between us is awkwardly silent. Normally, I would think of confessing my feelings for him since we're still alone but the timing isn't right. There's a lot of things troubling our minds.

Suddenly, Rikkun talked.

"Tiara… Can you create an alternate dimension, just like the one you made to summon Chrisprel, Ranley, and Daughty?"

"I think I can." I tilted my head. "Why, you want to talk to them again?"

"No. I just wanted to confirm that I'm not being fooled. I wanted you to recreate the Realm of the Frozen Soul."

"Huh?" I tilted my head.

"Just provide me with necessary prana, and I'll use the power of my God Core to mold a perfect replica of the Frozen Soul."

"Fine. Just hold my hand when you're ready." I bowed to hide my blush.

I felt a warm and slightly rough sensation on my palm as we locked our hands together. I made a small "Eeek!" sound due to the sudden impulse, and now my heart is beating faster.

As soon as Rikkun opened a Gate, there was a blinding flash of light which transported us to a different reality.


"So pretty!"

That's what I cried when I saw this place. I never thought this dimension is the materialization of the word "fascinating"!

"So this is the Realm of the Frozen Soul.." I muttered as I inhaled the fresh air.

We're in the middle of a lake, full of colorful lotuses. Millions of golden particles of light spawned upon those flowers that danced as it slowly reach up to the starry skies. The water itself is magical, for we can walk on it without getting wet. The ripple effect of it whenever we make a step is certainly eye candy for me.

"Hey, don't waltz around." Rikkun scolded but I ignored him.

At the middle of the said place is a diamond ice crystal that contains a sleeping naked woman. The ice crystal is on the verge of melting, revealing her flawless white legs and shoulders, and even half of her face.

The woman has golden blonde hair. She's so beautiful, like a true goddess. Somehow, I can see the similarities on our faces. But I can also feel Necchan's presence in this. This woman and my soul may have some kind of connection…

… I think I know how to sing the symphony she's telepathically humming in her mind...

What made me more amazed is the sword stuck at the heart of the said woman. It was colored white platinum with semi-transparent blue diamonds at the edge of its blades.

<Heart of Light>.

It's the same sword Rikkun drew to my heart when he saved me from Shirayuki and the curse of the witch.

"Why do we have the same sword on our hearts?" I muttered.

"What sword?" Rikkun asked.

I pointed at the chest of the Frozen Soul. But Rikkun didn't seem to get what I'm seeing.

"That's not a sword. That's a boobie."

"What..." My jaws hanged for a moment. "Ahahaha… Forget it…"

It's the same as my <Heart of Light>. Rikkun said that the sword is invisible on his perspective, but for me… I can see it without problems. There's no way I can miss the beauty of the platinum sword.

Rikkun touched the ice covering the Frozen Soul's knee. He closed his eyes as he activates his <Presage>. Then, he continued to murmur some phrases that he saw on his mind.

"Pitch darkness… Awakening… Twelve God Cores… Song of Salvation…"

As the Prophet-King takes his time, I realized that the telepathic singing became clearer on my mind. There's no doubt about it. I can sing the Song of the Frozen Soul without any problems. I can do it right here and right now, but I'm afraid that I'll be sacrificing myself in doing so.

Rikkun opened up his eyes, his cross-sigil on his irises still glowing. "The Outsider is right about the impending destruction. He's not lying. We still have to collect those God Cores and cast the <Song of Salvation>. I was an idiot for slightly believing Diadem's words."

"...Rikkun…" I made a worried glare.

Rikkun made a satisfied smile at me. "Shall we go back?"

"Mmm~" I nodded happily.

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