Heavenly Dao Child - Chapter 132

Published at 11th of February 2019 09:46:18 PM

Chapter 132

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Jose was the happiest man alive the ultimate power is within his grasp, soon he would be the strongest being on this planet, only for his mood to sour as a man came a broke him out of his fantasies, "Yes what do you want now?", he spoke in a tired tone.

The man kneeled as he spoke, "Master, the preparations are complete we can leave as soon as you give us the order."

Jose exclaimed jubilantly, "Excellent then let us leave with haste."

As he was about to move he was greeted by another man his black greasy hair which dropped down his pale faced, "Kekekeke brother Jose so the time has arrived do not forget to share the loot with us."

Jose put up a pleasant smile as he spoke, "Of course brother Vexacion, I always repay others you have worked for me so long you should knew me already."

The Greasy haired man nodded at him as he gave crooked smile, meanwhile Jose smirked inwardly as he thought, 'Of course I will reward you in such a way you will never forget.'

Soon they made their way to the vault it was a perilous journey full with danger but they made their way, as they neared the vault they were greeted by the guardian a 4 handed humanoid being, who spoke in gibberish but from its gesturing it meant from them to leave.

Jose greeted his teeth the being in front of him gave a strong aura, it will be difficult for them to defeat it, he still remembered the last time he only escaped by sacrificing his teammates, but he learned one thing that day it was just a puppet and it is the last one still standing the others have been destroyed beyond repair through the ravages of time.

Since the first time Jose witnessed the puppet he had made multiple trips just to study the puppet and each time he had spread false rumor of a great treasure just to lure people here and make them fight the puppet as he watched and learned about the puppets weakness and after long hard and arduous process he that even this puppet was not spared the ravages of time, as such as soon as they charged he quickly went and hit a couple of place on the spine of the puppet and with a loud groan it collapsed.

One of the man whistled at that, "Damn Lord Jose you really are something to deduce something so quickly and defeating it, I am speechless."

Jose basked in the praise he got he was not going to correct them that he learned of the weakness after sacrificing near three thousand people.

The pushed forward and before long the group of a hundred strong able bodied people stood in front of the vault's door.

Jose took out the key which they had forged but now he needed a special ingredient for the vault to open, "Brothers please I need all of you to help me in order to open the door make a group of ten and stand over there and there...", as he pointed them to stand on various positions.

Jose spoke with a smile, "Well then please on my word pour your KI through the floor as I will activate and then we will be able to open the vault door and claim our prize."

Vexacion did as he was told but as he casually glanced at Jose's men he was stunned to see they were the only one who did not pour any Ki he frowned at that before the truth hit him with a cold hard punch he shouted out, "You bastard…..", but before he could do anything everyone who was pouring their KI felt as if their Spirit Veins were tore out of their body, causing most of them to faint from the pain as they felt even their dantain getting destroyed.

Vexacion looked at Jose with intense amount of hatred if it were possible his gaze alone would have killed him, "You bastard…", he muttered weakly.

Jose had a false sad look on his face, "Awww did the big bad boy just became a cripple, awww now I do not thing you will be able to use the treasure anymore do not worry I will put good use to them."

Vexacion lost conscious as under the both the physical and mental pain.

A man kneeled in front of Jose as he spoke, "Master what is your order now?"

Jose looked to his remaining men who numbered less than a dozen as he casually gave out the order, "Well we do not know what kind of danger we might face so we will use those useless cripple as meat shields."

The rest of the way they passed through various traps which they easily bypassed courtesy of the so called 'Meat Shield'.

Until they reached the final room the entire visit inside the Vault was a waste of time for them during the entire way they found a few dozen rooms but all of them turned out to be death traps causing Jose to be in a foul mood, if this final room turns out to the same as others he will seriously commit a few genocides on some planet just to take out the frustrations.

Inside the final room looked to be what seemed as a tomb as a few words written in the language of the ancients he was not in any mood as such he without trying to read or decipher what was written he spoke angrily, "Open that damn tomb already this place seems like a sham already."

Even his men were enraged after working so hard they did not even receive anything not even a single trinket, as such those who went to open did not pay heed to any caution, when the opened the entrance of the tomb it released an acidic mist causing the people of Chaos Lord realm to shout out in agony as their body melted from it.

Jose greeted his teeth the attack just made him lose three of his men it would be so hard to find people who were not only obedient to him but strong as well.

As they enter the tomb they found a casket inside surrounded by numerous arrays that was a couple of weeks ago.

Presently they finished undoing the last of the array, as one of his grunts spoke, "Boss do you think that the tomb could have something?"

Jose grunted as he spoke, "I do not know at least I will get to use the person's skull as wipe cup.", since that day he has calmed down a lot it only took a couple of world to suffer one sided Genocide, and having his way with the Queens of few of those worlds in front of their people before slaughtering them, damn the simple thought made him orgasm again, 'Oh well I will have to change my pants again.', he thought.

The casket opened with a hiss, as they peered inside they saw a woman of incredible beauty lying there looking as if she was just sleeping and would wake anytime.

The peerless beauty with her crimson colored hair and a face anyone would die to have a glimpse the pointed ears indicated she might have an Elven heritage, Jose and his men felt their blood rise as they looked at the woman who was surprisingly naked such toned and well endowed body coupled with her beauty was enough to make even the most celibate monk or nun lose themselves with lust at a single gaze from her.

As Jose slowly raised his hands to touch the woman she suddenly opened her eyes, no that woman did not have her eyes it was missing scaring them but before they could move they found themselves paralyzed as the woman spoke in a strange tongue which caused their ears to bleed as their soul shuddered then an intense pain him them, as their blood boiled followed by their skin which along their bones liquefied.

Jose was never so scared in his life as he tried to flee by discarding his body and escape with his soul, only for his soul to get paralyzed completely in its place, he watched with horror unable to say or do anything as every living being melt into liquid including him and soon his soul joined as well bringing an end to Jose.

Meanwhile the woman had created a beautiful looking chalice out of nothing as she held it elegantly as if waiting for someone to pour wine in it, except the liquid form from the melted humans and their soul gathered inside the chalice from which she opened her red cheery lips and drank.

Then a guttural voice came from her throat which hadn't been used for a long time as she spoke slowly, "S-o h-u-n-g-r-y."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!