Published at 17th of October 2019 02:42:33 PM

Chapter 221

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He turned around, and then he saw a beautiful and small female player.

It was {cute_elf} and her real name was Yao Wang.

He asked directly, “Who are you?”

{cute_elf}: “…”

She thought Tang Lu must have done it on purpose!

“He used to pretend not to know himself in real life, but even here in the online game, he still seemed to be pretending!” She thought.

If only Tang Lu knew what she was thinking, he would say that he had no time to remember all the non-sense stuffs.

{cute_elf} felt angry and wanted to speak directly to Tang Lu, but suddenly, she thought about some information she learned from Tang Tian before, so why she tried to control herself.

Instead, she spoke to him in a calm way and said in a very composed tone, “I heard something about you from you brother Tang Tian. Anyway, family members are always family members. How can you be so capricious when you are so old?”

Zhong Qing was sitting on the Tang Lu’s shoulders while quietly observing and listening to the woman’s words.

If it was not in the rules of the game, she will not mind sending this woman to experience the thrill of death.

“She doesn’t know anything. Why is she here to speak about the lives of others?” Zhong Qing thought.

As if feeling the anger of his rabbit, Tang Lu put out his hand and touched her little head, and then, looked at the woman in front of him.

His look was not that cold, but {cute_elf} suddenly stopped talking.

She subconsciously felt that the man only showed her a sarcastic smile and seemed to be really in a bad mood.

Finally, Tang Lu remembered who this woman was.

It was the woman who held Tang Tian’s arm at the playground that day.

Instead of provoking her, he asked, “What is your relationship with my brother Tang Tian?”

{cute_elf} slightly lifted her chin, looking proud, while she was saying, “I’m your brother’s fiancé, your future sister-in-law.”

Tang Lu looked up and down at the woman and sighed, “I didn’t expect that Tang Tian’s eyes were so bad.”

{cute_elf}: “…”

Tang Lu: “Awesome!”

She was stunned to Tang Lu’s words, “What do you mean by that?”

Tang Lu put up his smile and said, “Honestly speaking, your family background should be good, right?”

{cute_elf} was surprised and felt that she could not keep up with the man’s thinking, but still held up her head, “Of course!”

Tang Lu nodded and looked like he knew, “That’s understandable. But how did you become the fiancé of my brother Tang Tian?”

It took her a few seconds to react before she realized that the other party was cursing her in a different way.

As soon as her face changed, she planned to attack, but Tang Lu moved faster than she did.

With a wave of his sword, a deep crack appeared in front of Zhong Qing, which also interrupted {cute_elf} that was about to say something.

Tang Lu looked at {cute_elf} in front of him and said in a low voice, “The truth is, I’m not interested in bullying a woman, but you really provoked me. I’m not a good man who insists on not beating a woman…

Your family background, your relationship with my brother Tang Tian, or even if you can become the hostess of the Tang family in the future… I’m not interested in these things and it has nothing to do with me.”

Then, he looked at {cute_elf} and smiled to her coldly, saying: “Just remember, don’t wander in front of me… I never leave a hand of anyone who likes to pollute my eyes.”

He stared at {cute_elf} in disgust and muttered, “Get out!”

“You!” {cute_elf} seemed to want to say something, but looking at Tang Lu’s eyes, she felt sudden fright and panic in her heart.

“You just wait! I won’t give up!”

She finally threw down a cruel remark before leaving indignantly.

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