Million World Game - Chapter 15

Published at 29th of December 2018 10:23:39 PM

Chapter 15

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Haru drew his jacket back and pulled out ten knives, each of the knives had a sliver of paper attached to them that had a rune drawn onto the paper. In an instant he threw the knives out, not hitting any of the ghosts that were surging towards us like a tsunami.

The knives drifted through the air flower petals in the wind, they found a home in the walls and on the floor, forming a circular pattern. A burning light appeared and a crackling sensation crept into the air.

"May the light of a thousand stars burn away the regret and misery that plagued you in this world. The world that awaits you next is one of solace and tranquility, where the past pains and regrets wouldn't bother you. In the name of the sun and her holy light, I cleanse you of your transgression." His voice was like a looming storm cloud, that was strong and could set fire to a forest.

The burning funnel of light grew in intensity, it burned like it was its own miniature sun. A sweltering inferno of heat seeped into the surrounding area, bathing my body in the warmth. It felt like I was sitting underneath the sun, it was comforting yet painful at the same time.

As the center of the now blazing sun like star took shape, the sheets of paper attached to the knives began to glow an shimmering shade of blue. The blue from the paper began to bleed into the golden sun, turning the flames that had accumulated around the center of it into raging blue flames.

The heat began to turn into a lukewarm and then to a frigid sensation, as the color shifted to the dazzling blue that now looked like water. It danced as if it was made of liquid, the burning bright golden centered had dimmed and looked like it was a watery heart, it pulsed with a light.




"Consume and Purify those that have lost their light." Haru's voice rang out again and the watery substance began to wiggle and twist and turn. It's body of water spreading out into a thin layer of skin and then it expanded.

The watery substance shot out like tentacles, its enclosed around some of the ghost, they struggled but couldn't free themselves as they were caught. Other times the tentacles pierced through the ghost and began to devour them that way.

All of this transpired in a matter of seconds, the tidal waves of ghost began to shrink and the wretched scream also started to vanish into nothing.

I moved forward, moving away from the door and towards Haru. He looked emotionless as he watched the ghost being devoured by his magic. It was like watching a King looking on as if he was slaughter the scum of the earth. However, a stray tear left his eye, he didn't bother raising a hand to wipe it away.

A crisp clap echoed in the air after the last ghost was being consumed, the blue of the water was now inky black as if it was contaminated. As if it was possed, the black liquid fled back into the sheets of paper, the rune on the paper glowing a burning gold as the paper turned completely black.

"Amen," he spoke softly clasping his hand together as if he was giving thanks. His face had softened, what a strange fellow, he was tense up till a second ago. Now he looked as peaceful as water. Stepping forward, he goes and collects the knives that he had thrown.

He plucked the strips of paper, that were now black and pocketed them into a different pocket, storing the knives he walked back towards me.

"That was amazing, did you max out the mastery level of your exorcist skill?" I asked him, crossing my arm over my chest.

He scratched his nose slightly, looking embarrassed by my praise. "I advanced the skill up to Apprentice Onmyoji," he stated quickly. I didn't even know you could advance a skill into another skill completely.

"I'm only an Apprentice Exorcist," I state with a frown.

"Everyone starts somewhere right, my family before I got pulled into the game, were a family of Onmyoji. I should have paid more attention I could have obtained the skill Master Onmyoji, but I wasted my time and didn't study. I've been doing my best to increase the mastery of the skill." He replied with a soft voice a small smile graced his lips.

"That's too bad, I think you'd make a fine Onmyoji," I say clasping my hands behind my back. His ears turned a bit red, at my words. Turning his head using his hair covering a bit of the blush.

"How about you Alice what did your family do?" He asked with a curious look, his limpid golden eyes burned into me. I felt a blush crawl up my face, ducking my head, I let my hair cover my face from his view.

Those eyes of his made me feel self-conscious, it was as if they were able to pry directly into my soul. Royal had slithered his way around my body, his long body curling around my legs and my waist, I think he could sense my discomfort.

"I can't remember, ever since I've gotten here, I don't remember anything about my past. I've got basic knowledge about things and sometimes I get hazy memories of things, that I assume are important. But it's like trying to make out an image in the murky water, it's almost impossible." I sigh, rubbing a hand along my arm with my head still ducked.

"Basically you have amnesia, but only partially?" He asks curiously, kicking at the ground with his foot. The air felt tense, it was weird to talk about your inability to remember things.

"Pretty much... it's weird. Like I don't remember things but my body does... sometimes I wonder if I did something unsavory for work... why else would I be skilled at fighting." I tell him truthfully, I was wondering where I had learned to fight and handle a sword. It felt like, I might have done something bad in my life. However, I had no memories about myself up to a certain point.

I was sure that I was an orphan, and that my name was Alice. But other than that it was if, everything else about myself had been wiped away, to create a clean slate.

"Maybe you were a professional at fighting, as many bad things as you can think of there is always something else it could be. You don't seem like a bad person... more like a kind person if I had to say so." Haru says, tilting his head to look at me with a small smile. His hands were fiddling with his jacket and he began to step forward.

'The Player's have met the prerequisite to enter the special lair of 'The Hag,' we shall be moving you to that special space now. Please wait a moment as we commence transfer.' A man's voice rang out this time, it wasn't the childlike voice from before.

"Wha-" Before, I could finish speaking the doors that had the smeared red blood on them blew open. Almost hitting us, the door open and revealed a black hole, a great sucking force started.

It drew us forwards, I threw a hand out trying to reach out and grab Haru, Royal was now coiled tightly around my body. It was like wearing a giant snake sleeping bag.

However, it was too late, my hand just missed Haru's outstretched hand. We both are drawn into the sucking black hole before us. I watch the door slam shut on my face, all then everything goes black.

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