My Bothersome Life - Chapter 28

Published at 29th of December 2018 04:07:50 PM

Chapter 28

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After I properly took a rest during the weekend, I promised myself that I would work hard during the rest of the week.


It was finally friday today.

I put on my gym clothes and my favourite white running shoes to get ready for physical education.

If the level of difficulty for theoretic classes were almost university level, then imagine physical education class being meant to train national athletes.

Starting from elementary school, physical education meant that you would practice moving your body while infusing it with your mana.

So you could do all those fantasy-like things like flying in the air or have mind bending flexibility. Today, we would do doing the usual exercise of trying to run 50 hundred laps each per person around the school as a marathon. Except that with the partner system, Alex and I would rotate every ten laps that would eventually sum up to one hundred laps.

I infused my mana into my leg and ran at a lightning fast speed. After one minute, I have finished running 10 laps and stopped at the place where Alex was waiting for his turn.

The more mana you had meant it you could run even faster if you could use it properly. Two hours later, both Alex and I finished running one hundred laps. I guessed Alex had less than half of my mana because it took him much more longer time to run. Well not that anyone else knew, anyone would have less mana than me because I had unlimited amount of MP.

Next was the mana practicing class. In order to go to this class, we were led to the basement as usual. Apparently all mana practice rooms were in the basement because mana was easily combustible, such as fire and exploding types of magic.

"Please hit this mannequin doll with lightning magic." Daniel instructed.

I imagined the crackling electric sparks from the what happened occasionally in my past life when I unplugged the cord. The electric sparks were dyed with bits of purple and blue. I aimed those electric sparks to that mannequin doll made out of hay about one twenty metres ahead of me and opened my eyes. The mannequin doll burned up in flames and the fire quickly spread to the other mannequins beside it.

Oopps. Maybe I overdid it? It was hard to control an infinite amount of MP.

"As usual, Rika learn to control your mana flow!" Daniel said sternly.

"We will be moving onto another exercise now that the mannequins are unuseable." Daniel carried on.

Daniel led us to a room where there were magical cannons. "Focus your mana inside the cannons and imagine a ball coming out aimed towards the middle of the dart board." Daniel instructed.

I poured my mana into the cannon and thought of my mana as gasoline that would fuel the cannon to create a fireball that would be thrown by the cannon.

When I finished concentrating and stopped pouring my mana into the cannon, I look up to see multiple large balls of fire being thrown by the cannon towards the dart board.

The dart board quickly got destroyed and Daniel walked towards me with a frown, "Rika! What did I say about controlling your mana? The reason why the whole class is doing all these tedious exercises is because of you who can't control the huge amount of mana you possess!"

"I'm sorry," I said while sulking.

Since the mana practice class was the last class for today, I changed my gym clothes back into my uniform and then headed back into my room.

After I went inside of my room, I changed my clothes again, but this time out of my uniform to the clothes that I bought from the mall. I wore a pink laced dress with a white ribbon made out of silk on my waist matched with my white flats and my cute ivory cardigan.

Why did I unusually change out of my uniform?

Today, Shelly promised to treat me to some pudding at the school cafe. However, it was rumored that the school cafe was connected to a tunnel that led to the second district that Shelly heard from the rare encounters of our upperclassmen one week ago.

"You look cute today Rika!"

"You too Shelly!"

Shelly wore a pretty red and blue striped T-shirt and a white tennis skirt matched with her blue flats. She looked absolutely lovely with her silky black hair and luring silver eyes.

After we ordered some pudding with Shelly's points, we got down to business. "I wonder where the entrance to tunnel may be." I said while looking around the cafe.

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