Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 46

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:29:46 AM

Chapter 46

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Some people even speculated whether the young man had abducted the beautiful female slave from the noble family and ran quietly from Hattie to baron? Some people think in their hearts: if they have such a charming and beautiful female slave, they will certainly dress her up beautifully, but do not show them to others, only to themselves In fact, it's the most beautiful thing to wear nothing. It's the most enchanting enjoyment in the world.

Amun drank his own wine, and everyone in the tavern speculated wildly. Finally, a drunk voice asked in a loud voice, "foreigner, did you abduct this girl?"

Amun looked up and said, "she took me to this town to look for the lost sheep."

Yin Nanna also said with a smile: "I was not abducted by him, I brought him here, he is a good person to help me."

At this time, the owner of the hotel ran to persuade him: "he is drunk. Don't mind!" Then the boss ran to persuade the drunken man, for fear that people would not speak correctly and cause some conflict, and smashed the things in the pub.

Amun felt that the atmosphere around him was not right. He looked at some corners with inexplicable hostility. He didn't want to stay here any more. This one copper coin cup of bad wine is not so good as the wild fruit wine made in the cave savage tribe. He drank very quickly. Yin Nanna stood beside her and poured wine. After drinking, Amun put down her glass and asked, "boss, what's the most expensive wine here?"

The boss was surprised and took a beautiful copper bottle from the back of the counter and went to the table: "this is the best wine in our shop. There are only two bottles. One bottle needs a silver coin."

Amun reached for the big leather bag and found that the three silver coins he had taken out were all used up, only 20 pieces of broken copper coins. So he took out a small leather bag from his arms, opened it and took out two silver coins and said, "I want both bottles of wine. How much is this pot of wine?"

What a bargain! Amon knew that the bottle of wine brought by the boss was the same as that given to him by his father when he left Duke town. He wanted to sell 15 silver coins in his hometown, but only one silver coin was needed here. Amon didn't buy it for himself. He was not addicted to alcohol. These two bottles were prepared for Schrodinger.

The boss's eyes were a little straight. He reached out and touched his forehead, as if he was wiping sweat. He nodded his head and said, "you bought these two bottles of wine, and that one is for free. No money is needed!"

Amun went to the town today, and there was always extra gain. He bought clothes for free, gave two pairs of shoes, bought sheep White gave a whip rope, and bought wine and a pot of wine for nothing. However, he didn't like the town very much. He just wanted to send Yin Nanna back to the village and cross the Youdi River to continue to set out eastward. At least one thing he learned here is that many parts of the world outside the mountains are quite different from Duke.

Amun put two bottles of wine into his big leather pocket. Schr? Dinger was still in the innermost part of the bag, snoring and sleeping. He did not respond at all. He took Yin Nanna out of the pub.


Two foreigners left, but the tavern owner was still standing there for a long time. Someone nearby yelled, "Shute, what's the matter with you? Was the soul taken away by the slave? Why don't you negotiate and buy her at a high price? I really want to know how much such a beautiful slave can be worth? "

Another voice also called out, "the stranger drank the cheapest wine himself, but bought two bottles of the most expensive wine to take away. Is it for the slave girl to drink at night? He was really nice to the slave. If I could afford such a slave, I would feed her such expensive wine

The owner of the hotel named Shute finally came to his senses and said in a loud voice, "buy her? Guess what I saw just now? It's a god stone, and there's more than one! It's in the boy's purse

Amun didn't want to show off when he paid just now. He just opened a small corner of the leather bag. Other people couldn't see what was in it. But the boss standing beside him instantly saw the luster of the stone. This situation is too strange. God stone is a symbol of nobility. How can a person with a large number of God stones in his pocket drink a cup of bad wine with a copper coin?

The atmosphere in the tavern immediately became boiling, and people began to talk about it with a red face. The story of the stranger was interpreted into another version -

which noble family should the young man be? He stole the master's money and abducted the beautiful slave girl and ran away quietly. The slave should be very much favored by her former master. She used the best food and clothing. The young man had wronged her by spending money like this. But the young man himself is very stingy, and does not want to spend too much money to arouse suspicion, or he is a poor man who does not know how to spend money.

Some people began to count with their fingers drunk. One God stone was worth 20 gold coins, one gold coin was worth 20 silver coins, and one silver coin was worth 100 copper coins. The dress the young man bought for the girl was 60 copper coins. How many skirts can you buy with a stone like that? The correct answer is 666, and 40 copper coins.

But no one can figure it out. In short, there are a lot of them. Everyone thinks that the skirt Amun bought for Yin Nanna is too cheap. There is a magic stone in my pocket, but I bought sixty copper coins worth of clothes for such a beautiful girl. There must be something wrong with the young man's money.

No one noticed that two people whispered a few words at the best, largest and cleanest table in the corner, paid the bill and went out in a hurry.……

"Where do you live? Where should I send you?" Amun asked outside the town

Yin Nanna: "you can meet me where you meet me. My sheep pen is not far from there. I can walk back by myself."

Amun thought for a while and said, "well, I'll send you to the place where you come from and take your little lamb home quickly."

Half the way back, it was getting dark. Half a moon rises, the quiet moonlight can just see the undulating grass slope, the night is another kind of gentle and quiet beauty.

If the experience in the town just now is a little unpleasant, and I have forgotten it in the beautiful scenery, it is impossible to walk too fast in the moonlight. They are like walking together, and Yin Nanna still holds a lamb in her hand.

After walking not far in the moonlight, Amun suddenly stopped with a heavy complexion. Yinnanna asked curiously, "what's the matter with you? Are you tired again?"

Amun shook his head. "No, there's someone staring at us."

Yin Nana, how can you see me in the middle of the night

Amun: there are both in front and behind. It should be aimed at us Yin Nanna, you don't have to be afraid. I'll send them away. I'll send you back safely. "

After saying this, he released Yin Nanna's waist, lifted the iron staff to drink around: "since it's here, why hide there? I don't know you, and I don't owe you money. Why do I come in the middle of the night with weapons? "

There was a sneer from the front. Two people came out. The man in front was holding a long sword, and the man in the back was actually a staff. "Stranger, you have stolen the master's money and abducted the slave girl. Do you dare to show off in Sumer town?" cried the man holding the staff

The man with the sword said, "we don't talk nonsense. We can spare your life by leaving money bags and female slaves."

With the sound of speaking, three people came out from the grass slope behind, with axes and sticks in their hands, obviously not well intentioned. Yin Nanna shrank in horror beside Amun and whispered: "don't believe their words. They want to rob you of your money and take me away. They will kill you. How can this kind of thing spread out to let people know."

Amun was not afraid. His first thought was Ma Qi, a neighbor of Duke Town, who was killed by an old madman for his fortune in the black fire jungle. His second thought was actually three things that the old madman told him. First of all, he should not kill people easily. He should also try to use the least strength.

He asked in a strange way: "the person opposite you is a magician with a staff? If you are a magician, why do you do this

As soon as the words were uttered, a voice in a slightly alarmed voice called out, "master winnow, he recognizes you and can't let him go again!"

"Hansom, shut up!" cried the swordsman Then he said to Amun, "since you know that there is a noble magician here, you don't have to hand over the money bag and the slave girl and ask for forgiveness for your crime!"

They were inexperienced robbers, and they were the first to commit crimes of murder and wealth. The two men in front of them are the sons of the mayor of Sumer. His brother is gay, a second-class warrior, and his younger brother is winnu. He is a first-class magician. Of course, Sumer town can not be compared with Duke Town, which produces important strategic materials. Therefore, the position of the mayor is not high, and he is only the lowest aristocrat in the kingdom of balun.

The mayor sent his youngest son to a nearby city-state to study divinity. He spent more than half of his family's money, and winnow became a first-class magician. This time he came home from the city-state, asked his father for money, and then bribed the magistrates to seek a priesthood in the city-state temple.

But the mayor's father was not willing to give so much money, but advised his son to become a priest in the temple of the town. Anyway, it was hard for the family to take out the money winnow wanted. So he took his brother guy to drink in the pub to vent his depression.

As a result, they saw Amun and Yin Nanna in the tavern. When they learned that Amun had a large sum of money, they began to think. When a man drinks too much, he will become more daring. He even wants to commit murder and gain. After a discussion, the brothers decide that the money belongs to the younger brother, and the gorgeous female slave belongs to his brother.

Having made up their minds, the brothers took three strong servants out of the town with weapons. They walked faster than amon and took a shortcut to block him here.

The servant did not drink wine, and it was the first time that he did this kind of evil business. It was inevitable that he was a little timid. As soon as Amun mentioned the magician, the servant named hansom thought he recognized winnow. There was only one magician in Sumer, and we knew who it was without mentioning his name. Guy yelled at the flustered servant, waiting for Amun to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Leave now with weapons, I choose to forgive you!" Amun suddenly said a word that no one thought of. His voice had an inexplicable dignity, like a noble priest or a God.

Although Amun is young, he is very dignified when he is serious. This kind of temperament is developed unconsciously. Don't forget that he is always regarded as a God in the cave savage tribe. Amun doesn't like to show off, but the cat around him is bigger than anyone else. Can he learn from Schrodinger every day?Wennu and guy were surprised, and even had a momentary illusion that Amun was like a prince visiting in private. They immediately thought that this illusion was ridiculous. Which Prince would walk the night in straw sandals?

Guy laughed, as if he was emboldening himself. He came up with his sword and said, "stranger, you are looking for death! According to Article 18 of the code of Baron, civilians will be given death penalty for stealing or abducting other people's slaves! Here, let me do it. "

Amun was afraid that he would hurt Yin Nanna, but he didn't want to wait for others to come around and start again. He took a long step forward, waved the iron staff in his hand and hit him, aiming at guy's shoulder. Amun's staff looks like an ordinary branch. When it is waved, it is light and smooth without any abnormality.

Guy's face was full of laughter. Although his sword was not the best horse leather steel, it was also made of sharp fine iron. It cost him 15 silver coins! The stranger attacked him with a branch. Maybe for showing off, guy burst into a big drink with his sword in both hands and slashed at the waving "branch", trying to cut amon's sword into two parts.

His power is not small. This sword can cut a tree, not to mention a withered branch. However, when the sword was cut on the branches, there was a sound of metal collision. In the darkness of the night, there was a dazzling spark. With a piercing sound, the slender fine iron sword was even interrupted by life.

The deformed tip of the sword flew out, and the other half with the handle fell to the ground. Guy's mouth was cracked. Amun's "branches" looked light and fluttering on the sword, but with a kind of shock force and strange tremor, the divergent shock wave went straight into his body, half of guy's body was numb, and his voice could not shout out.

Amun's staff broke the fine iron sword without any hindrance or influence. He continued to swing it on guy's right shoulder socket and made an inaudible "poop" sound. There was no scene of blood and flesh flying. However, guy's body fell on the ground. He was a second-class warrior, but Amun used several levels of samurai's strength, but he could not see it. This was the miners' skill in Duke town. At the moment, it was not with a sledgehammer, but with an iron staff, and it was not the core.

Amon's downfall of guy is just a blow, but it embodies the perfect combination of speed, strength, agility and accuracy. He was not proficient in martial arts, and no one could teach him all kinds of fighting skills on the battlefield. He would go hunting when he practiced physical skills in the cave dwelling savage tribe. He had seen all kinds of beasts. There are not so many ways to fight with beasts. They are simple and effective. Besides, Amun is always alive. It is much more difficult to kill a beast than to kill a wild animal.

Amun has this habit, on the one hand, because living animals can be brought back to the village to kill and eat fresh meat at any time. On the other hand, link also likes to experiment and raise all kinds of wild animals. He tries not to let his people risk hunting and has food sources at any time. Amunke, no matter what kind of wild animals can be domesticated and domesticated, just let the clan people catch the live ones and take them back.

So when he hunted, he was followed by a group of people. Some people started driving wild animals around the valley and ran to Amun's place, and a group of people followed him with ropes and sticks. Amun waved an iron stick to lay down a wild animal, and the cave dwellers rushed up and tied them with ropes and carried them away. At this time, the tribe is as lively as a festival.

Amun usually fights with the armored beast king. It's not a real fight. He just tries his skills. Guy's sword looks fierce, but it's far from the tail stroke of the armored beast king Yunmeng.

Once he was successful, Amun stepped past guy. He waved the iron staff and hit him at the same position on his left shoulder. Then he accelerated. Suddenly, he was like a wild animal. The staff hit out with the wind, and there was a fire in the air.

Wennu is a magician. Normally, he should use his magic to cover or help guy when he starts. However, he didn't think that his brother and a second-class warrior were knocked down by the stranger in an instant. It was too late to perform his magic again. In a hurry, he just sent out a ball of fire to Amun.

The first level magician can only perform simple low-level magic. The fire element magic is powerful and dazzling. It is very powerful. Many people like to learn it first, and winnow is no exception. This magic skill has great natural power against ordinary people, and it is also strange and difficult to imitate against ordinary samurai, because it is a magic power that others do not master, and has very good deterrent and damage effects.

However, Amun's judgment was very accurate, and he was not afraid at all. He didn't hide or dodge on the way forward, just like shooting fireflies to break the fireball. Wennu uttered a cry of surprise. It was too late to send out the continuous magic. Amun's iron staff waved over. The sharp wind swept his cheek at the tip of the stick. It felt like being cut by a knife, and his head could be broken by just a little bit.

It wasn't the head that broke. With a click, winnow's staff was smashed into pieces. Naturally, his staff could not enter Amun's eyes. It was just a piece of hard walnut which was inlaid with an ordinary divine stone after being processed by magic. Even if the walnut with a thick mouth is hard, how can it stand a stick of Amon? As the staff broke, the stone on the top broke into powder, and wennuya vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Wennu was injured, but Amun didn't hurt him. He was suddenly destroyed by someone while he was starting his magic arts. The power that had been in operation could not be released. If it was not controlled properly, it would return to the caster himself. His body was as miserable as being burned by fire. The stone is not broken by Amun. Amun is not so wasteful. It is also because the staff is destroyed while performing the magic arts."Yin Nanna, come here All of you, lay down your weapons Amun, leaning on his staff, raised his foot on winnow's side lying cheek and drank coldly to the three servants in the distance.

Yin Nanna ran to Amun with her skirt in her hand. Before the three servants in the back did not react, she saw that two young masters who were usually powerful were knocked to the ground in an instant. Wennu's head was still trampled on under his feet, and he could be killed at any time. They threw down their axes and sticks and knelt down together and cried, "stranger, no, noble warrior, spare our young master! If they die, we will die too

Amun looked at them with a slightly strange look and asked, "you are so interesting. Why do you ask me to spare these two young masters? Do you have a life to do with me? Don't forget that you want to kill me with your own weapons. Why do you beg for mercy on behalf of others? I haven't said to forgive you

The servants called out, "noble foreign warriors, we are also forced to dissuade the two young masters, but we can't persuade them. We don't want to do this kind of evil business, but we have to come."

Yin Nanna whispered to Amun: "you can't let them go. You can't let them go! Amun, you surprise me so much that you have such a powerful force If you had not knocked them down today, they would not have let us go. You would have been killed and taken away, and I would have been forcibly taken away Do they want to spare you? Damn it all

Amun pointed to three servants with his stick: "as a servant, can you persuade your master not to bear the consequences? I know what kind of punishment you are going to suffer. I have no intention of punishing you any more. It is not worth my doing." Then he pointed to guy who fell down the grass slope and said, "it's better if you have strength than not, otherwise you will only bring more harm and disaster to yourself and others." Then he pointed to wennu at his feet: "you are not worthy to use the staff!"

With these words, he kicked wennu, who was spitting blood, down the grassy slope, just rolled to guy's side, and said to the three servants, "take them back, now get out of here!"

"Thank you for your kindness." The three servants saluted on the ground, then got up and ran quickly to carry the two young masters. One picked up the remaining things and ran away in the night.

Wenu was casting a spell when his wand was suddenly destroyed. His wound would leave a terrible shadow for a magician in his whole life. Guy's injury is very light. Amun just cracked the cartilage in his shoulder socket, but this kind of injury is extremely difficult to cure, which means that he will no longer be able to use the power of body art to swing his sword.

As for the three servants, Amun was not interested in cleaning them up. He also knew that their fate would be worse than that of the two young masters. I remember that when I was in DUK Town, Moses, the son of dasti mayor, was playing outside and making mistakes. He went home to receive punishment for not eating for a day and copying the instructions of the gods. However, the two servants who looked after Moses were beaten to death. The two young masters had made such a big disaster and suffered such heavy injuries. They were in front of the three servants. It is conceivable that they would come to a miserable end after their return, or they should run away now.

When they were far away in the moonlight, Amun turned around and took Yin Nanna's waist and said, "didn't you scare you? Don't be afraid. Let's go on. "


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