Pivot of the Sky - Chapter 91

Published at 5th of August 2022 08:28:40 AM

Chapter 91

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George should have seen Amun read the secret scriptures in private, but pretended to be confused and did not tell the truth. He stealthily took the sign, which frightened Amun and gave him a warning. Amun was wondering why he did it? Perhaps it was for the sake of saving face for the saint. Although their positions were different, they were in the same situation. They were promoted by the saints and were in the same camp in the temple of Isis.

There is another possibility that George knows that Amun has a collection of valuable scrolls and seizes on him to extort money. Amun simply sent two scrolls to make a test. However, listening to George's tone, he had no intention of pursuing the matter.

Amun was thinking about all kinds of possibilities in his mind. He was about to leave when he suddenly heard the high priest George looking at the ceiling and saying to himself: "George is only the name I took when I made a vow in front of Isis after I entered the temple. My name was serchlead a long time ago. I don't want to mention it again, and I hope no one will mention it again."

Amun was stunned. He didn't know what to say for a moment. He had heard of the name "seraid", which was mentioned in the old Madman's message. This man was a friend of Nietzsche's when he traveled to Egypt, and he was also a magician! At that time, he lived in the outskirts of the city of herak. When he met Nietzsche, he was only a fifth level magician. As a great magician, Nietzsche gave serchered a lot of advice.

Serchlead had vowed to repay Nietzsche, so Nietzsche mentioned his name in the message. It was only 20 years ago that sercherade came to Isis temple and changed his name to George, more than a decade after Bell's death, when he had become a great magician. The old madman did not know the news, so the pupil of the earth did not mention it.

If a magician breaks through high-level achievements, his situation will change very subtly. As long as he is loyal to the temple, he will get another identity. After he came to Isis temple, serchlead became an honorary high priest, and his name was changed. His experience has long been lost in various records. There is only George the great magician in the world. Twenty years later, a very coincident opportunity, he not only became a high priest, but also saw the old Madman's keepsake.

George hinted to Amun that he knew the origin of the sign and warned him not to mention anything. It was a secret between them. It was more than 40 years ago that the old madman got acquainted with seraid, and it has been 20 years since sercherad came to Isis temple to become the great magician George. The past has become a dust laden secret.

Amun stood silent. George looked back from the ceiling and looked at him with a smile. "You've become a warrior of honor in Isis temple, and you're likely to be a warrior in the future. That's enough to change your life. But in the temple of Isis, you must keep everything here and do not offend or blaspheme the gods. Perhaps it was because I thought too much that your behavior in the blessing ceremony that day was enough to prove your loyalty to your duty

Amun quickly nodded his head and said, "noble high priest, I remember all your words."

George said kindly, "just remember. I didn't expect you to be a warrior! If you have any confusion, please come to me. I'll be happy to help you without violating the rules of the temple I don't want to read this volume. It's just like many things I used to do. I don't want to mention them again. Take them back. "

Amun was ordered to leave. George didn't even open the box, and the classics were sent back. George did so in return for the old Madman's kindness. The great magician was not a man who did not keep his promise. But now the situation is not the same, he told Amun not to mention the past, nor to take out the brand easily.

Amun was afraid that in places like Isis temple, if there were any flaws, they would be found out sooner or later. Fortunately, he met George, who had no danger but to rely on the grace left by the old madman in his early years. It seems inevitable to be discovered, but it is an accident to meet George. In fact, the old Madman's message also mentioned the original high priest Julian, but in front of Julian, Amun was absolutely afraid to take out that brand, which could only make him die faster.

In the future, you must be careful. You can't just believe in luck. Before you become a warrior, Amun won't read what you shouldn't read. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, George pointed out something about amon. The gray nameless scroll turned out to be the legendary destruction storm, and it was probably the only one in the world.

After the handover of the archives, Amun left the temple and went to Theo's home. He asked Theo for a long time to buy Aesop, the slave. Of course, Theo was not willing to sell such a capable slave, but Amun couldn't refuse his request. What's more, amon paid a staggering price. He directly put ten sacred stones on the table.

This is not the price of a slave. After Amun saved Theo in the desert and escorted him to the promontory city state safely, he also received the reward of ten sacred stones. Now he has returned all of them in the name of buying Aesop.

Theo was startled. Of course, he didn't dare to accept the money. He promised to give Aesop to Amun on the spot. Amon laughed and insisted that Theo accept it. After a long time, Theo had to accept the stone. He was sweating on his forehead. He quickly ordered Aesop to come and say, "Mr. Amun has bought you. In the future, you must listen to Mr. amon's words and serve him."Before leaving, Amun left Theo with a volume of books, and specifically told him, "take a good look at this volume of documents. If there is anything you don't understand, you can pay for someone to explain it. Don't you want to be a noble? There may be opportunities in the future, and what is said in the book will be very important. I borrowed it from Isis archives. You must keep it well. I'll go a long way and return it to me when I come back. "

The contents of the book mainly talk about transportation. Theo is a businessman who does transnational trade. Organizing caravan transportation is naturally an expert. However, the book tells about the organization, scheduling and supply of logistics materials for the march to coordinate the transportation of the army. Theo doesn't understand why Amun wants him to see this, but since he has told him, let's watch it. The book is the collection of Isis temple. In the eyes of Theo, it has added a mysterious and noble atmosphere, so it can only be seen!

When amon led the new slave out of the door, Aesop asked, "master Amon, why did you buy me? How much did Lord Theo pay to thank you for saving your life? How much did you spend on me? Why? "

Amon said with a smile, "Aesop, you are no more humble than your master, including the present master and me. You are my slave, but I can't limit your free mind looking up at the stars. You have two choices. One is to continue to work for Lord Theo and get your wages. You are my slave only in name. Secondly, a friend of mine has a manor in the city of Memphis. He is absent all the year round and needs a housekeeper to help him. Would you like to help with this? "

Aesop bowed and said, "Monsieur Amon, you really don't have to talk to me like this. I should listen to you. How could I not help? It's too expensive to buy a slave with ten stones! It's not necessary. "

Amun said with a smile: "it's very fast for you to enter the role. Well, you can help to think more about anything in the future. Follow me to the manor, and I'll give you a surprise. "

Amun said that the surprise is a blank document, as long as you write your name, you can have the status of free people in the Egyptian empire. Amun had the same other sheet, which he had written with Aloha's name. This time, in order to carry out the secret exploration mission, the temple gave him such a document. Amun didn't need it, so he gave it to Aesop.

In the manor, Aesop knelt down for a long time with this document in his hand. When he looked up, his face was full of tears. He choked and said, "Lord Amun, I don't know how to repay you. Why give me such a precious thing?"

Amun shook his head and said, "it's useless for me, but it can change your identity and stop being a slave. In return, I know that you are a very capable person. I will leave you this manor. Please take good care of it when the master is away. I will leave a sum of money for you to do business. I don't know when I can come back. "

Aesop: "master, don't worry. I'll take care of everything here. Don't worry about it."

Amon asked again, "Aesop, what name are you going to write on it?"

Aesop: "Aesop, of course. It's my name."

Amun asked curiously, "why don't you change your name so that people can't recognize it?"

Aesop replied, "this is the name my father gave me. I don't want to give it up. There are many people with the same name in the world. Even if there is a freeman named Aesop, it's OK."

Amun nodded. "Do what you want, Mr. Aesop."

No matter in Egypt or in the mainland countries, the master can resell slaves or treat them as well as they can, but they have no right to give them freedom without authorization. This is the law. Even if amon bought Aesop, he couldn't be a free man. Now doing so is a way of cheating on others. Aesop has a new identity and is no longer the original one. For Aesop, it was a gift that could never have been imagined.

Give the manor to Aesop, Amun and some personal belongings are also stored here. The hired servants also need to be managed. The wine and food that Schrodinger likes are prepared every day. But after Amun and medanzo left Memphis, Schr? Dinger suddenly jumped out of the trees beside the official road, stopped him and glared at him.

Amun squatted down and said softly, "Schrodinger, I haven't seen you these days. I don't know where to look for you if I want to say hello. Now I'm going back to DUK town for a mission. You can have a good time in Memphis. I've arranged everything

The cat twisted its neck, did not bark or speak, and raised its paw to Amun's waist. In the past, Amun always carried a big leather bag when he was on his way. When he left Duke Town, the old madman gave it to him. Schrodinger always hid in the leather pocket and slept. Schr? Dinger was not satisfied with his leather bag when he went out this time.

Amun also advised: "you asked me to take you back to eju. It's not easy to come back from a long distance. It's very comfortable to live in mengfeisi city. Why do you want to take risks with me and wait for me in the city?"

Schr? Dinger did not speak with his cheek bulging, nor did his paw drop. One side of the medanzo looked at Amun and spoke softly to a cat. His expression was a little strange, but when he was in the savage tribe, he knew that the relationship between the cat and Amun was not general, so he did not interrupt. Amun had no choice but to stand up and shake his iron staff. He took out the big leather bag and put it on his body.Schr  dinger jumped onto the leather bag and opened his mouth with his claws. He got into it skillfully. Amun turned to medanzo and said, "go to the town ahead and buy more wine. There's a lot of meat floss you need to prepare again. I'll teach you how to process vegetables and meat with magic arts. They can be preserved for a long time and delicious."

Medanzo asked with a smile: "Amun God, I always see you create a lot of things out of thin air. What kind of magic is this?"

Amun replied lightly: "it's no big deal. With the help of space artifacts, you can learn high-level space divinity when you break through the sixth level achievement. I will teach you how to use space artifacts. The deeper the mana, the more magic space you can use. Many things are really convenient. "

They not only bought a large number of living materials in the market town ahead, but also bought a carriage and two horses. The two men and a cat drove the carriage slowly for a month and finally arrived at the border of eju. Along the way, in addition to reading Amun's military books, medanzo processed all kinds of secret food with divine arts. It seemed like a trivial matter, but it was a kind of exercise to control power.

For example, when a piece of fresh beef is processed into preserved meat, it is necessary to use fire element and water element divinity at the same time, and even simple space divinity is added. The heat can not be wrong at all. Otherwise, the meat jerky will become tasteless freeze-dried or become black coke. It may be fun to process only a few pieces, but it seems boring and boring to do such things for many days. Amun wants medanzo to do this and apply magic to mediocrity.

When they arrived at the last market town on the border of eju, Amun asked medanzo to sell his horses and chariots, and they went on foot. Medanzo puzzled asked: "we still have a long way to go, is not the car more convenient, why do we have to walk?"

Amun some mysterious smile: "you will understand soon, so go, don't be afraid of suffering, this is a necessary experience for you."

In front of them is the syrya desert. They walk the commercial road between eju and the kingdom of balun. Along the way, only these two people are on foot. Medanzo is a level five magician and warrior. It's not hard to walk like this. A few days later, on the way to the middle of the commercial road, Amun suddenly said, "go north, and go straight to Duke town from here."

"Aren't we going to link's tribe?" he asked

Amun nodded: "yes, from Duke town to the East, through the deep mountains and jungles of the Youdi River Valley, you can reach the tribe of link. That's what I went there."

Medanzo scratched the back of his head: "Amun God, I suggest taking another way to enter the kingdom of balun from here. Along the East Bank of the Euphrates River, we can reach the city-state of Kish. There is a new ferry crossing to cross the river and directly enter the mountains of the Yardi River Valley. It will be more convenient to reach the tribe of link.

Although it's a little far around, it's very peaceful all the way, and the speed will be faster. When we get to link, we will take link and Yunmeng, the armored beast king. We will go to Duke town to explore. It will be safer. Don't you say that there are many monsters in the desert and swamp, and they are not easy to pass through. Why give up the easy and seek the difficult? "

Amun shook his head and said, "medanzo, do you know why I want to bring you here? This is your trial trip. If you want to pass the test of "breaking through the limit", follow me to the north; if you want to be safer and more secure, you can go your own way and wait for me at the tribe of link. "

Medanzo said with a smile: "I'm just a suggestion. You are the God who guides me. We can go as we want."

Amun looked at medanzo, and his smile seemed to have a deep meaning: "since you say that, you can't hesitate to regret. Let's discuss a matter first. If you encounter any trouble on the way, you should take action first. If you can't make a decision, I will do it."

Medanzo repeatedly nodded: "of course, with me in, how can I work, Amun God, do it!"

When he turned north to the depths of the desert, he found that he had suffered. Medanzo is not a delicate person. On the contrary, he can bear hardships very much, otherwise he would not travel through the mountains to the tribe of link to buy horse leather steel. During this period of time, I was a housekeeper in mengfeisi city. I lived a comfortable life, but I didn't feel tired walking through the desert at this time.

But there is always a limit to one's ability and will. Sometimes it's not that you don't want to insist, it's just hard to do it. Amun's speed across the desert suddenly quickened, and medanzo did his best to keep up. In the desert, the temperature difference between day and night is very great. The hot sun in the day is like a flame baking, and the cold at night seems to freeze people stiff and extremely dry.

Amun, regardless of day and night, regardless of the heat and cold, uses his iron staff to perform his magic arts. There is always a soft and cool package around him. Schr? Dinger in his leather pocket feels very comfortable, but medanzo who follows him suffers greatly. Amun only stops twice a day, once to make food for Schrodinger. He and medanzo also have enough to eat. The other time is to sit down at night and practice meditation.

After walking for three days, medanzo's will and physical strength almost reached the limit, but his words had already been said, and he could only keep up with Amun. On the third night, after the gods opened their eyes and practiced divinity meditation, Amun said to medanzo, "don't hurry at night. You can have a good sleep today." And unfolded a tent.He had no strength to dream. Medanzo did not know how long he had been sleeping, but suddenly he heard a cat call with some warning. Tired as he was, he did not lose his vigilance. He immediately opened his eyes and jumped out of the tent.

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