Published at 6th of July 2018 02:48:10 AM

Chapter 40

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Xiao Niahe operated the spiritual force to attack Ye Jinyan. Then Ye Jinyan died.


Ye Jinyan and Song Shuyun were dead. Xiao Naihe stood in front of their corpses without any expression.


He was not the former "Xiao Naihe". He avenged Xiao family's hatred in order to eliminate the internal obsessions, and he killed the two men because they wanted to kill him.


"Cause and effect in the world originally don’t proceed according to the common sense, I’m not the chip on the table, and I will be the card player!"



After handling dead bodies, Xiao Naihe came to a remote forest. He was digging up the soil and seemed to be looking for something.


In a short while, Xiao Naihe saw a green jade card buried in the soil.


"The former Xiao Naihe was not very intelligent, but after the destruction of Xiao family, he took time for self-reflection. He knew that the immortal bamboo jade card was a scourge, thus he hid it"


"After I deal with the matter of Xiao family and Yun Weixue, I will go to Mount Rosy Clouds to see what is the human cultivation world."


In his previous life, as a celestial demon Bei Nanyi, he cultivated to be a demon, so he hardly practiced the cultivation method of human cultivators. Now that he has reincarnated, with his pursuit for martial arts, he wanted to try and see what the difference between demon cultivators and human cultivators.


It has been half a month since he left the Regretting Peak. Xiao Naihe passed the secret tunnel, and came to the Regretting Peak again.


The wine and vegetables were placed in cave mouth. It seemed that Qin’er still sent food every day, but she didn’t came into the cave。


Xiao Naihe shook his head and dived into the cold pool.


"I wonder whether the blood spell formation is uncovered or not?"


At the bottom of the cold pool, there was still a narrow space. The blood pool in the center of the blood spell formation has lost its function.


Suddenly, a ghost came out of the blood pool. He was Yun Diao that had not been seen for a long time.


"Xiao... Xiao Naihe, I haven't seen you for many days. Have you seen the patriarch? " Yun Diao had some expectation.


Xiao Naihe shook his head, and then he saw a disappointing look on Yun Diao’s face, He didn’t answered the question, but asked, "Is there anything unusual in this period?"


"Since you killed those four people, everything is just as usual."


The scene that Xiao Naihe killed the traitor in Yun family was still vivid in Yun Diao’s mind, so he looked at Xiao Naihe with admiration.


"The blood spell formation needs fresh blood Qi every few months. Those people are scapegoats. Even if I didn't kill them, they will be invaded by the cold air in the blood pool, and they will turn into watery blood within four hours. The people behind this saw that they had not gone back, for fear that the manipulator would misunderstand they have died in the blood pool.”


Yun Diao slightly opened his mouth. He didn’t understood why Xiao Naihe was so familiar with the blood spell formation. After seeing the means of Xiao Naihe, he also realized that this man was different from what the outsider said.


"Three other families jointly destroyed Xiao family, but Xiao Naihe survived. He must hide his cultivation base, feigns madness and acts like an idiot." Yun Diao thought.


Xiao Naihe looked at the blood pool, and said, "Since things have not come to light, after the people behind the scenes to show the cloven hoof. Then I will have my own way to catch all in one draft."


Then, he would avenge Xiao family and cancel out its hatred, and eliminate Xiao Naihe's karma.


Suddenly, Xiao Naihe wrinkled his brows and had an uncanny look on his face.


Xiao Naihe jumped into the cold pool in a flash.



Yun Diao looked at the receding figure of Xiao Naihe. If the blood spell formation disappeared, Yun Diao would turn to ashes. He sighed, "The life or death of Yun family may rely on this Xiao Naihe!"



Xiao Naihe was swimming like a fish, soon he got out of the cold pool and went straight to the cave mouth.


It was a clear and boundless sky just now, but at present dark clouds were gathering in the sky, and the thunder rumbled.


A black light was glittering in the clouds.


The Regretting Peak faded into the darkness within a ten-mile radius, pervading a chill of death.


"The sky shows the magical light! Someone has comprehended the devil meaning, and he is nearby.”


Xiao Naihe looked very solemn. He has met the devil cultivator for the first time since he was reborn.


The demon circle was similar to the devil circle, but their principles were different. The demon cultivators focused on strangeness, while the devil cultivators aimed to kill!


The devil cultivators were promoted by battles, and every time they were born, they would cause disaster.


"There are unexpectedly devil cultivators in Yun family. Are they related to the blood spell formation? If so, they may also relate to the destruction of Xiao family."


Xiao Naihe hesitated for a moment, and finally chased the trace of the magical light.


Although the other side began to gain the Xiantian devil breath, and Xiao Naihe was only in the heaven spirit boundary, Xiao Naihe has formed the gold core and had the theurgy of gold core.


If Xiao Naihe conflicted with the other side, he would not necessarily lose.



In a magnificent room, a middle-aged man in a brocade suit was sitting at the stage.


He was reading a book on the art of war, but suddenly his hands shook slightly, and then he raised his head to look at the sky behind him.


"Xiantian devil breath! Feng Jian, as you said, that person is not dead! "There was another middle-aged man standing outside the door.


The man was dressed in a golden yellow crown, with a pearl-studded golden crown. His hawk eyes were staring at the firmament. For a long time, he sighed, and then the whole sky seemed to collapse.


Now that he is not dead, your plan should be carried out ahead of time. Otherwise you won't be able to gather all family forces! "


The man, who was called Feng Jian, put down his book and nodded his head, "The threat needs to be solved, please help me to seek that man's trail."

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