Published at 8th of January 2019 12:01:29 PM

Chapter 129

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"Sir, Ms. Julia is here to see you." Nanny Sylvia said. "Julia?" I started to shiver. The memory of that day flashed back to me. "It looks like she had heard the news." Father said. "What news daddy?" I asked curiously. "I have stepped down from my CEO position and named you as my successor." Father said. I was surprised. Father is not yet that old to step down. "I haven't made it public yet. I was planning on making a press conference by the end of the month to announce your position." Father said. "Father!" Julia was stomping towards us in anger. Her baby bump can't be concealed any longer and it was showing. "Is it true?!" Julia asked. "Did you leave the CEO position to Jillian?" Father sighed. "How did you know?" "So it is true?!" Julia was shocked. "Why her, why not me?!" Julia was getting hysterical. "I have been by your side for the since she was gone. I have done everything to make you proud. I never disappointed you even once. I was the perfect daughter you were proud of." "I have worked hard for the company. My ideas have garnered many good opportunities and made our company prosper." Julia continued. "I only made a mistake once. And you deem me unworthy. Father how could you?" Tears are now running down Julia's cheeks. "I'm sorry Julia. My decision is final." Father sighed. "Please don't stress yourself. You are also carrying a child so please be careful." "I don't give a f*ck about this baby!" Julia said in anger. "All I wanted was to be married to Shawn. But because you forced me to marry Brad, I followed your wishes. And yet you still give the CEO position to her." Julia pointed a finger at me. "Jill has helped the company to get up from the mess you have done." Father was now getting angry. "How dare you question my decisions." "Julia!" Brad emerged from the mansion and was walking towards us. "What are you doing?!" Bras was looking furious. He grabbed Julia's hand and pulled her. Julia suddenly showed fear. "Father-in-law, Troy, Jill." Brad greeted us. His eyes lingered a lot longer on me. Troy noticed it and hid me in his back. "I'm sorry if my wife made a ruckus here. I'm going to take her home now." Brad said. "Be grateful that you're carrying my child. If not you're going to get what you deserve." Brad whispered in Julia's ear. His grip on Julia's hand was tightening. Julia was clearly afraid. "Let go of me." She was trying to get away from Brad's grip. "I just want to know why father picked her and not me." Julia looked at father pleadingly. "Father why, why her?" Father's patience was in it's last straw. "Brad just take her away." "No! Tell me, please tell me!" Julia was screaming. "It's because you are not sir's real daughter." Nanny Sylvia said suddenly. All became silent. All eyes were looking at nanny Sylvia with shock. "If my madam just knew in the past that your mother lied to sir Julian that time she should be still alive now. My princess Jill wouldn't have gone thru that bad experience. It's all your mother's fault." Nanny Sylvia said with hateful eyes. "No, that's not true." Julia said. "I don't believe you. You liar!" Julia turned to look at father. "Father it's not true right? She's lying right?" She asked with pleading eyes. Father was silent. He made a face that says what nanny Sylvia said was all true. "No that can't be. It's not true. Tell me it's not true." Julia was looking in disbelief. "I didn't want to tell you when you are still pregnant." Father said. "I was planning to tell you sometime after you have gave birth." Julia slumped on the ground. She was looking shocked. "I'm all alone now." Julia said wit blank eyes. "Hahahahaha." She started to laugh and cry like a crazy person.

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