She Rules the Wolves - Chapter 40

Published at 18th of August 2019 10:04:23 PM

Chapter 40

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Cally Wotan present day, aka Rebecca Wotan 1865-2018, aka Marta Wotan 1607-1865, aka Joanna Wōdanaz 1310-1607, aka Gunnr

Ole Jocko aka Jake MacTíre biker gang alpha and bar owner

Olen Hamundarson, CEO of Wotan international and the chairperson/president for the delegates of Clan Home.

Marcus Knight, head of security for Clan Home and also the leader of the Black Watch. Member of the Night pack.

Abby Coleman, new werewolf, college grad

Jessie Miller, new werewolf and college grad
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Catherine Regina Rosemount, Red Cliffs Clan princess

Tom Richardson, Red Cliffs Clan

Jean Michel Rosemount, chief of Red Cliffs Clan and Catherine's Father

Mr Aaron Harland, funeral Home director and human

Renard Durand, new Clan Home President

Councilwoman Angela Perez, at large member of the council and vice-president

Josie Walker, works for Marcus providing fake documents for wolves.

Sarah in archives, council secretary

Gladys MacLeish, former archivist, museum curator and Sarah's Mom

Jason, head of a security detail. Marcus is his boss.

Warren, security detail and gate guard

Ivar Piast, mad wolf

Hal, spotter for the sniper Eagle

Eagle, aka Léon César, sniper

Sasha, Russian member of Clan Home

Collin of the Yana tribe and recent college grad

Jaime Antunez, CFO Wotan International.

Thomas Howell IV, CEO Wotan International

Eneas, former lover of a Wotan incarnation

FBI Agent Charlene Winstead

James Holmes, a lawyer For Clan Home

FBI Agent Sampson, black witch

Agent Barney Doss, cannon fodder @@

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