Published at 27th of December 2018 05:38:05 PM

Chapter 66

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The lady patiently waited until the very last customer left the shop before she decided to talk to the boss. "Are you sure about this?"

The man who meets people by the door asked in a worried manner. She nodded silently while locking the door and closing the curtain tightly. "I'm sick and tired of living my life this way, full of fear that the information we are given will be the very thing that kills us."

She gave off a deep sigh, "I just want to live a life of peace. It doesn't even have to be a wealthy one, I just want to be happy for once instead of trying to please seduce all of the people who enter our shop."

The man listened without saying a word and gave off a chuckled sadly. He worried deeply about the woman's future and wished the best for her. "Hey, I've been thinking... maybe you need someone to take care of the house once you find one or maybe a butler? I don't need pay or anything, just a place to stay and food to eat."

The woman looked behind EMR her to the man and smiled, "We both know the real reason why you are saying this. Are you really still after me? It's been years since you've proposed to me, you need to find someone else to fall in love with and forget about me."

"What are you talking about, I just want to help you out a little." The man smiled sweetly but the lady shook her head with tears forming in the corner of her eye, "I don't deserve someone like you, I'm... I'm no longer pure."

The man reached out his hand and pulled her into his embrace, "I've told you before and I'll say it again, I don't care about that. I love you, no matter what your past was like and I just want to be with you."

The woman had tears drip down her cheeks as she grasped tightly onto the arm wrapped around her, "Why? What about me is so great that I've earned the love of someone like you?" The couple stayed like that, silently embracing each other for some time after that.

They continued on their way and walked towards the person they called boss after releasing each other. "Holding hand while walking side by side, the man gently caressed his friends hand within his own, "I promise you that nothing will separate us, even death won't tear us apart."

While saying this, the two people finally arrived in front of the room of the man they called boss. After knocking twice and waiting for the boss to permit them entrance, they opened the door slowly and walked inside to a dark room only lit up by a single lamp in the corner.


The two people put on. A blank face as they got onto one knee and bowed in unison. The boss, who was sitting in a chair facing the wall, said in a quiet voice, "You usually don't come here after work. Did something happen?

"Yes sir, two men have entered the bar and requested for information regarding Phoen."

"Phoen? It seems that troublemaker has gotten himself into some trouble. As always, tell them we can't give them this info and let them leave. Even the Zan Clan has to give us some face when we denied their request on information about the Living Pills. Two random men hold no power here." The boss waved his hand around as he attempted to shoo them out after giving his orders.

"We already did that sir, the reason we have come to you is due to who these people are." This time it was the man who spoke. He was trying to get the boss to understand that they came here to report something else as well.

"Who are they?" Although the boss asked this question with a bored tone of voice, his interested became piqued. This was because his two "employees" would never come report to him about something that was boring.

"We are not sure about their identities, but one of them was Phoen's spitting image. In other words, they looked so similar that if I got that stomach-turning feeling from him that I usually get when Phoen is around, I would we believed that they were the same person. And not only that but the man he was with, gave off a powerful intimidating feeling, similar to that of yourself sir."

The woman quickly explained the situation and added in a few more details of what she noticed about them afterwards. The boss listened silently and the only response the two people revlcieved that told them he was listening was the occasional nod that would come out of nowhere.

They finished their story and waited for the boss's response.

"I see the problem, but you don't need to worry about a single thing. It's not like they are actually stronger than me. Just do your job and if something unsavory happens, then I myself will deal with it." At his words, the couple nodded and stood up, preparing themselves to leave.

Just before they did though, the woman stepped up toward the boss. "Sir, I have one more request to make."

"What is it child?" No one else but their boss, who was so old that it didn't seem cultivationLly possible, would ever think of calling the woman "child". This was just a testament to his freakish age.

"I-I w-want to design from my position!" The woman stuttered at first but slowly got a grip on her emotions and stated her wishes, "I don't want to work in a place like this anymore, I just want to live a normal peaceful life away from civilization for a long time."

She nervously requested this of the boss and waited for his response patiently. The room became silent for a minute or two before the boss finally said something, "Is this what you truly wish for?"

"Yes sir, I no longer want to be in this occupation. I don't want to be constantly looking behind myself out of fear that some organization would come for my head because of the information about them that I had sold. I no longer want to be looked on as an object in the eyes of other men in the club room. And I do not wish to be brought into this strange war that is far above me. I just want peace!" She gave off a happy smile while saying what she had to say. The man who stood right behind her also had a large grin on his face when he saw the boss nod a few times at her words.

"Okay, then I will provide you with a paradise to stay in as a gift considering how long you e been working for me."

The woman's face brightened up as she bowed deeply, "I thank you for your generous gift!"

The boss smile as he waved his arm aside and a ~thump~ sound bounced onto the ground. The grin on the man's face disappeared as he saw the woman, whom he love dearly, had her head separated from her body. T fell down and rolled on the ground over to his feet and on her face was the frozen smile of someone who was not aware of what just happened.

"AHHHHHH!" The man collapsed onto the ground and clutched at his partner's head, pressing it against his chest.

The boss nodded at his actions and smiled to himself, "I really am I great man. Giving my ex-employee a lifelong stay in the universe's greatest paradise, Heaven."

The man looked up at the boss after hearing his words, "You killed her! Why?!"

"Oh my poor child, you just don't understand. All of that information stored away in her head, of course I couldn't just let it go. So I needed to...delete the knowledge from her mind. This was just the most simple and direct way. Besides, when a marionette no longer does what it's puppet master wants it to do, then the puppet master would throw it away. This is the same concept, except it's less of throwing and more of killing!

"You maniac!"

"Far from it actually, I am quite sane." The boss's comments were like dagger being shoved into the man's ears as he stood up and gently placed the head down. "I will join you soon, my love."

The boss laughed out as he said, "She was your love? Oh now isn't that just cute, don't tell me you plan on avenging her? Suicide is never the option."

The man cried out as he whipped out two sickles from his clothing and charged at the man, "YOU BASTARD!"


Far away Kai Jun suddenly raised his head up from the food he was eating set in the table by Braedon, "Hmmm."

"What's wrong?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll check it out later..."


A few minutes later the boss looked at the blood soaked floor before him. "Hmmm, I should get someone to clean this up. Oh wait! I've just lost all of my employees. I guess I have to clean this up myself then." The man left the room to find a bucket and a mop while muttering to himself.

"I should put out an ad for 'New Workers Needed'..."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!