Published at 27th of December 2018 05:38:02 PM

Chapter 68

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A groan escaped from the mouth of the man. His head was throbbing intensely and his entire body was in pain, well his entire body except for one of his arms... oh.

As he opened his eyes to the bright flash of sunlight, he felt something hot get placed directly in front of his face. Make no sudden movements." Braedon held the death up to the man's face while Kai Jun stood at his side. Jingyi Lei was sitting at the side cultivating with his eyes closed.

The man's eyes took some time before they could readjust to the light and when he could clearly see the people in front of him, he was quite surprised. It was the mysterious man that his... deceased associate had said gave off an intimidating aura and the other man who looked freakishly similar to that freak, Phoen.

"You are...?" The hot feather like object that was pointed at the man came a bit closer as the man who looked like Phoen said, "Before asking for a name, give yours first. We never did introduce ourselves the first time we met."

The man stayed silent as he tried to get up from the bed but he did not get far since the feather was not moved from his face. It stayed there without moving up or back a bit. "Do you mind moving that weapon from my face. You should already know that I am in no condition to cause you any harm."

Braedon shook his head while saying, "I think my friend cultivating over there would probably disagree." This confused the man until his mind bolted as a memory of him choking out a young man. Once this memory popped into his mind, he lied back down and nodded his head in understanding.

"So you remember what you did?" Braedon said this and the man nodded in response. The man, who finally revealed his name as Blue, lied there until Jingyi Lei was finished cultivating. Blue was not his actual name but a code and he was given as a child. He was never given a real name, so he told everyone to just called him Blue.

When Jingyi Lei opened his eyes to find Blue awake in the bed, he had a slight panic for barely a second before he calmed himself down. When he was attacked the first time, it took Braedon over an hour to calm him down but now seeing Jingyi Lei calm down by his own will power, Braedon felt proud of him.

Finally, Braedon was able to pull back the feather and allow Blue to stand up. Of course, they kept a close eye on him to make sure that he wouldn't do anything too suspicious. Once tensions calmed down Braedon decided to introduce himself.

"Hello Blue, my name is Braedon. The man standing next to me is Kai Jun and the kid is Jingyi Lei. Kai Jun found you last night half dead on the street and brought you back here to be healed. So Blue, what happened?"

Braedon got straight to the point and asked what everyone wa curious about. Blue just sat there with a blank look on his face. His eyes were filled with emptiness and he gave off an attitude similar to that of someone who wished to die.

Kai Jun walked up and waved his hand in front of his face, "Answer our question, what happened to you?" Blue looked at him and snorted, "And if I don't? What are you going to do, kill me? Go ahead and do it, I no longer have the will to live." This statement surprised Braedon immensely.

He still remembered the man who met them at the door and cheerfully walked them through the club. Chatting with them, and having that greedy look in his eyes. Within hours they found him almost dead and now with no will to live. What happened within those few hours that caused such a change?

"You may not have the will to live, but you apparently have enough of it to fight. The first time you regained consciousness, you immediately struck out randomly trying desperately to kill someone. Who were you trying to kill? What did they do? Does it have anything to do with the man who looks like Braedon?"

Blue didn't respond to any of Kai Jun's questions. He sat down silently and went back to sleep. He didn't wake up all day after that. That same night though, Boue sat up in bed and looked tearfully at the night sky. He couldn't help but remember how when he was a kid, he used to believe that the stars in the night sky were the souls of people who had died that die rising up to a new world.

He still remembered how he would look up to the brilliant sky and shout, "Good luck!" To them. As he was smiling at this memory, he heard a set of footsteps draw near to where he was resting.

Finally his door began to open and a single boy stepped into the room. It was the one who looked a bit older than Braedon but was apparently younger than him. Blue tried to remember his name and it finally clicked inside of his mind, "Hello, Jingyi Lei." He just didn't understand how such a mature looking person actually only sixteen years old.

What Blue didn't know was that Jingyi Lei's appearance actually became much younger after he broke through to the next stage. It was something that Braedon and Kai Jun did not expect, but they thought that his current appearance suited his age only a tiny bit better.

"Hi." Jingyi Lei didn't always much as he sat down next to Blue and silently. He didn't make any sudden movements, nor did he try to question Blue about anything.

"What are you here for kid?"

"I thought that you could use some company..." Jingyi Lei whispered this barely loud enough for blue to hear, "Oh? Aren't you afraid that I might go ahead and try to kill you?"


"Why not huh? I did it once and I can do it again." Blue took on a pose as if he was preparing to pounce on top of the boy a second time. But Jingyi Lei didn't flinch or react to Blue's provocation.

"Mr, Blue, I have a question."

The words he was alwaiting to hear finally appeared. Blue ones that they were going to try to question him more about what happened or about who attacked him. He just didn't think the other two boys would send a kid to do their bidding, "You can try asking me whatever you want, but that doesn't mean I'll answer any of your questions."

"Who is Mai?" As soon as these words escaped Jingyi Lei's mouth, Blue froze in place and even his breathing stopped for a few seconds.

"How do you know that name?"

"You repeated it constantly while you were unconscious."

This caused several horrific memories to surface in Blue's mind all of a sudden. He remembered so many things about his associate, his love, and his partner. He remembered everything up to the very last moment of her life.

"Why do you want to know?"

Jingyi Lei paused for a second to stare at Blue before he finally gave his answer, "Its because you looked so sad when you were calling out her name. I... I just want to know if I could do anything to help?"

"Ha," a mocking smile was the response that Blue gave before he began his short story, "Mai...Mai was the best person in the world. Believe it or not, when I was younger I was known as quite the genius in cultivating. This bright me fake, fortune, and all the power I could have ever wanted but what it didn't bring me was comradery. I had no real friends, everyone just wanted me for my power or my wealth but never for me."

"It's a painful thing when you discover no one truly cares about you. I went throughout my life knowing that I was not loved but I didn't care. As long as I had power, I could do anything! That's what I believed, that is until I met her."

"At the time she was just a young woman who had below average strength, her to me she shined like the stars. I fell in love at first sight but whenever I tried to approach her, she would ignore me because she had her sights on someone else. Even when she knew perfectly well that I was better than him in every way, she chose him over me because she followed her heart, not her greed."

"I loved this about her. I spent my whole life trying to woo her and even when she was taken advantage of by the man she loved with all her heart, I stood by her side. We became good friends and we would do whatever we needed to help each other. I cared for her and she cared for me, just not as lovers. Eventually feeling did bloom between us, but they bloomed too late."

Blue paused for a second to collect his memories. He was giving a basic summary of what other he and Kai went through together. But he still remembered every detail personally in his heart. From the time she used her own body to cover him from arrows shot from far away, to the time he blocked a sword from cleaving her in half which gave him a terrible scar on his back.

The time her first love used and abused her, until he threw her aside like trash. To the time he avenged her honor by defeating the man who caused her so much suffering. All of this was in his mind.

"I promised her that nothing would ever separate us ever again, not even death itself. Yet here I am breaking that promise by surviving. Ha, and still I do not have the courage to kill myself. Boy listen to me and listen well, as my apology for what I did to you I will give you this one advice. Never fall in love. It will only bring you pain and despair, nothing else."

Blue chuckled off as Jingyi Lei sat there listening to his old tales, "So she died?"

"By the hands of the man I once served! And yet I failed to avenge her."

"So you are just giving up? Without trying to fight back?"

Blue looked at Jingyi Lei with disgust, "Boy, you saw what condition I was in when I came here. That was him who did it and he wasn't even using his full strength! Do you really think I could avange Mai."

Jingyi Lei nodded with absolute confidence, "When there is a will, there is a way. As long as you haven't given up hope yet then you may succeed. It might take seconds, days, or years but in the end with perseverance you might be able to obtain your vengeance."

Blue looked at Jingyi Lei curiously for a second, "That... actually didn't sound so bad. But why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know what it is like to lose someone you love, and I don't want to see you go through that same pain." This was the response Blue recieved.

"Did YOU ever get revenge?"

"...not yet, but one day I might be able to. One day..."

Blue smiled at Jingyi Lei's response, "Now that is something I would like to see..." Blue looked at his last remaining arm and clenched his fist together, "Thank you kid, I actually enjoyed my talk with you. I also hope you could forgive me for my past actions" Jingyi Lei nodded and smiled at the man.

"I already have."

Blue had a sudden idea and asked the question, "You wanted information about Phoen right?"

"Who is Phoen?"

"The man who looks like your friend Braedon." Jingyi Lei nodded at Blue's explanation. "Yeah we need it. While I'm not exactly sure why, but we do."

A smile crept onto Blue's face as he looked to the stars, "Then I have a proposition for you."

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