Published at 27th of December 2018 05:37:41 PM

Chapter 84

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The boss looked over to the group of kids gathered all in one spot. He brought the sword over his head and with a great cry, swung it down onto the ground with enough force to cause the floor beneath everyone to break into pieces.

The attack was a surprise for everyone except for Braedon, who had activated {Eyes of haven and earth}, and Kai Jun, who just paid attention to his surroundings. Both of them grabbed a person in each of their arms and jumped as far away as they could.

The escaped just in time as the ground beneath where they just stood caved in and randomly exploded. Although what just transpired was a mystery for most people, Braedon was able to clearly witness what happened. The sword that the boss used was covered in a thin layer of "heaven's force". When he slammed it into the ground, the energy left the blade and traveled to where they all once stood. It blasted out the floor beneath them just as they were able to leave, and that was what caused the explosion.

The group landed farther away from the boss near the benches of the coliseum. After placing everyone down, Braedon felt extremely fatigued and he could not move for a few seconds.

"The {Eyes of heaven and earth} are much more taxing on your body than we originally thought it was." Kai jun pulled a soul crystal out of his pocket and placed it against Braedon's chest, "Quiickly absorb this."

Braedon recovered within seconds and for some reason the boss didn't try to do anything to them the entire time he was recovering. It was kind of a suspicious act, but a welcomed one none the less. Zan Fu was also able to recover from being struck in his chest. His rate of repair was incredibly quick, and he didn't even need to absorb any soul crystals for its energy.

"So do we have a plan?" Zan Fu looked at Braedon and the others with a questioning glance and Braedon responded by saying, "Only one." He looked over towards Blue and nodded his head. Blue caught the signal and moved behind him quietly.

Zan Fu, "What is he doing?" Braedon reached over and whispered to him, "Don't worry about it. All we need to do is distract the boss for a few minutes and after that, hopefully, Blue can do the rest."

Everyone who listened to Braedon explain a few things and after agreeing to the plan, they all readied themselves for one last charge.

Braedon concentrated all of his strength into the feather and with a swing of the feather a bright beam shot out and flew towards the boss. The boss placed his arms in a X position and once the beam got close, he uncrossed them and blew the beam apart. But hiding behind he beam was Zan Fu who finally brought out his claw.

He swung the claw with all of his strength and the fingers outstretched themselves for a little extra reach. The boss brought up his blade and struck the claw head on. He left his back wide open for Shu Rong though, and she popped in out of nowhere and unleashed some of the power she had stored in her weapons. They released a beam that slashed through the boss's back and a huge gash opened up.

The boss called out in pain and kicked Zan Fu aside so that he could turns around and back Shu Rong to pieces. But he was unsuccessful as when he kicked Zan Fu aside, Braedon charged in and swung at his legs. The boss jumped up and dodged the attack, he brought his arm over and smacked Braedon across his face causing him to fly back a little. Shu Rong moved toward the boss while he focused on Braedon, but she was unsuccessful in her sneak attack as the boss was more focused now.

He thrusted his sword forwards and Shu Rong was barely able to use her daggers to change the trajectory of the strike. But once the blade was avoided, the hand of the boss reached out and grabbed her by the neck. He spun his arm around and threw her into Zan Fu, who had just collected himself and was trying to swing toward the boss.

He saw Shu Rong flying towards him and stopped his charge immediately, instead opting to catch her within his arms in order to make sure that she was harmed too much. After catching her, the boss released his own beam of power from his blade toward their direction. Zan Fu clenched his teeth as he wrapped his arms around Shu Rong and turned his back toward the beam. There wasn't enough time for him to move out of the way and Shu Rong was dazed so her defenses were lowered.

Because of this, Zan Fu used his body in order to guard her from harm and he screamed out in pain after feeling the beam cut a huge gash across his back. Shu Rong collected herself just in time to see Zan Fu holding her while blood and flesh flew all around them. Zan Fu coughed out a mouthful of blood and some of it splattered onto her face as a look of despair appeared in Shu Rong's eyes, "NO!"

The armor Zan Fu was wearing was incredibly powerful and should've been able to protect him from an attack like that. But it had one major weakness, the upper back and lower abdomen were completely unprotected. Along with the fact that it only guarded his upper body.

She placed herself under on of his arms and tried to helped him move away from the boss in order to get some distance between them, but he wouldn't move an inch. Zan Fu slowly looked over at Shu Rong who was trembling right beside him. He placed looked back only to see another beam coming over and he once more moved her in front of him.

"Stop it!" Shu Rong noticed what he was doing and called out while trying to push him away. Zan Fu shook his head and said, "Go! Quickly run now!" After the last beam struck him, he pushed her away and used the claw as a crutch to stand up again.

Facing the boss he lifted up the claw as another bam flew by and he struck it with his weapon. The beam broke apart but the strain from the movement caused Zan Fu to cough out a little more blood. Zan Fu knew that he could probably only block one or two more attacks at most in his current state. He looked behind him to find Shu Rong still sitting there with a shock look on her face.

"Why are you still here!? Go, now!" Zan Fu screamed at her as another beam came over and he blocked it once more. He was at his limits, and the next attack would strike him head on. He no longer had the power to block the attacks and could only wait as death approached him.

Just as he was thinking this, another beam finally formed and was flying over. Zan Fu took in a deep breath and prepared himself for the worst. But just before anything could happen, Shu Rong appeared in front of him suddenly and used her daggers to block the attack.

Shu Rong's abilities were mainly focused on attacking and since she was usually unseen, she rarely had any guarding techniques. At most, her skills were enough to protect herself but if she wanted to protect others then it was almost impossible. Yet still she ran in and blocked the next attack for Zan Fu.

"What are you doing?" Zan Fu used his claw crutch to move over and catch Shu Rong as she was falling backwards. He helped her back into her feet and she took position to intercept another beam again, "You've been helping me out all this time, why don't you give me a chance for once?"

"This is insane, what your doing is dangerous."

"Shut up, Spoiled Prince!" Shu Rong didn't listen as she hacked at another beam. Her hand throbbed in pain as she was forced to drop one of her daggers suddenly.

"Damn!" Shu Rong looked up as another beam of light cake flying over. Zan Fu stepped up and was just about to block it with the claw again, but before he could do anything...

Braedon stepped up out of nowhere and swung the feather over the beam dispersing it. Zan Fu and Shu Rong looked at in pleasant surprises as Braedon turned around behind them and said, "Am I interrupting something?" He gave off a smile before facing the boss again and saying, "Prepare for what's about to happen!"

While the boss was continuously shooting beams at the three of them, Jingyi Lei, Kai jun, and Blue were nowhers to be seen. The boss was completely distracted by the three friends and didn't notice the three people floating several meters above his head. Jingyi Lei was continuously grabbing the soul crystals in his pockets in shoving them into Kai Jun's mouth, which already had quite a few inside of it.

Kai Jun was using the crystals to quickly regain his energy while it was being used to keep them afloat with the {Blade Of Falcons}, a special feature which he was to tired to explain to the other two at the moment. Blue stood up on the {Blade Of Falcons} and prepped himself. His presence began to disappear until there was almost nothing left to sense, and at that moment he jumped.

He fell in a straight line towards the boss, who was only focusing on the other three, and pointed Kai Jun's flying sword down. Blue quietly counted down in his head while filling up the sword with power, "3...2...1... Now!" And with a shout he thrusted the sword down straight at the boss.

The boss looked up at the last second and swung his sword over his head in order to intercept the hidden strike. It was a matter of who was faster and the two attacks approached each other at alarming speeds.

Finally a powerful wave shot off as a great gust of wind blew past everyone. A dust cloud blew up where Blue and the boss had collided and it obscured everyone's vision.

Kai Jun and Jingyi Lei floated down and landed next to Braedon and the others while looking curiously at the miniature dust explosion, "Is it over?" Braedon tried to use his {Eyes of heaven and earth} but he was too drained of power to activate it.

Kai Jun's didn't answer as he just kept facing forward with a strange look on his face. Suddenly from the dust cloud, a single figure stepped out and limped over them. It was Blue!

A look of happiness and excitement appeared on everyone's face and a breath of relief left Zan Fu's mouth. Braedon walked over to the injured Zan Fu and began to heal him while saying to Shu Rong, "Good job protecting this stubborn idiot."

She smiled at him with a nod and said, "It's what I do best." Braedon asked her to bring Blue over to him so that he could also start healing him up. If there was anything that Braedon could definitely be considered a genius in, it was using his energy to heal people for some odd reason.

Shu Rong accepted the request and began to walk over to help Blue over, but as soon as she got close a shout from Kai Jun sounded out, "STOP! It's not over yet!"

Shu Rong looked back in confusion as a sword was suddenly plunged into her chest and stuck out her back. Braedon and Kai Jun looked at the horrific scene with anger in their eyes, while Jingyi Lei stepped back in terror. Blue was unconscious and was unable to do anything about the sneak attack from the dust cloud and as for Zan Fu...


...he went mad.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!