Published at 28th of July 2016 11:30:50 PM

Chapter 10

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Chapter 10—He’s Even More Unrestrained Than a Jiangshi Like Me


“Princess, Princess?” Feng Chenling shifted slightly, shifting all the way to Mo Qingli’s side. Her tender, unblemished face was slightly tinged with pink, making the area below Feng Chenling’s abdomen tense up, as he placed one hand softly on Mo Qingli’s waist.

Mo Qingli, sensing the tepid warmth on her warmth, trembled with her entire body, turning around her head, opening two large eyes, staring incredulously towards Feng Chenling. Was this really Feng Chenling? Could it be verified that he wasn’t an imposter? Why was he so open right now; didn’t he hate her unconditionally?

Seeing the alarmed face of Mo Qingli, Feng Chenling’s smiling expression gradually widened, suddenly acting like he had completely forgiven her. “What is it?” Feng Chenling once again used another unfair advantage, on his face wearing an expression as if he had been wronged. “Does the wife¹ dislike her husband so much?”

Looking at Feng Chenling’s extremely close handsome face, Mo Qingli’s bosom was tightly pressed down on with Feng Chenling’s weak and delicate chest. She had lived for more than ten-thousand years, and naturally knew what this signified. Something inside of her chest cavity was skipping, pu-dong, pu-dong, so much that she didn’t even have the courage to look at him.

This, even a ten-thousand year old jiangshi would be inevitably defeated.

Feng Chenling used both his arms to embrace her waist tightly. Her waist was extremely slim, and was easily grasped. At this moment, Feng Chenling suddenly wanted to offer his “first time” to Mo Qingli.

He brushed his head against Mo Qingli’s cheek, his warm breath exhaling against the curve of her neck, softly saying: “Wife, do you want me?”

Mo Qingli exhaled, as if she she was behind in the whole situation by a beat, preparing to speak. Suddenly, her vision was darkened. Feng Chenling tightly kissed her, tenderly rubbing their lips together, the tip of his tongue pricking at her lips, parting her mouth open. Immediately, he slipped into her mouth, tightly tangling with her own fragrant tongue, both lips sucking at each other, his tongue coming to a stop at her uvula, unceasingly sucking at the sweetness of her mouth.

“Oh…” Mo Qingli, lost in the kiss, forgot to reject him, unconsciously melting in his embrace.

So it turned out, that a mortal’s kiss could also cause someone to become enraptured.

Feng Chenling, hearing the soft murmur emitted by Mo Qingli, tightly breathed, his large hands following along the curve of Mo Qingli’s outfit and grasping at the softness of her body.

For a short moment, Mo Qingli’s pale and fair face became reminiscent of a completely ripened peach, her pupils enshrouded in a hazy tint.

Feeling the body of the person below become more and more hot, Feng Chenling’s breathing became more and more fast, gradually moving his kiss from Mo Qingli’s lips to her neck. Lifting one of his hands, he prepared to take off the clothing from Mo Qingli’s body.

With a “pu-tong” sound, Mo Qingli suddenly became sober. Her face tightly wrinkled, feeling her extremely painful buttocks from falling onto the ground.

“Wife, are you alright?” Feng Chenling immediately rose, supporting Mo Qingli, having some vexation with himself. How could he forget, she was still sitting on the chair! If he had known earlier then he would have carried her onto the bed! Falling onto the floor was definitely very painful.

Mo Qingli awkwardly rose, patting off the dust on her body, on her plump cheeks appearing a captivating red color. “Sigh… you only recently recovered from your illness, so you shouldn’t do any tiring activities.”

After the words left her mouth, Mo Qingli immediately regretted it.

Sure enough…

Feng Chenling, who had just barely escaped from suffering from Mo Qingli’s anger, was now looking at her with two glowing eyes. His two clear pupils were filled with excitement, emotionally grabbing Mo Qingli’s weak and delicate arms, his entire face dark red, speaking in a trembling voice. “Wife, wife, then you owe me a… night in the bridal room. Afterwards when my body is completely recovered, you have to pay me back.”

Pu…! Mo Qingli’s mouth twitched wildly, wasn’t this a female-dominated country? Wasn’t it said that the males in a female-dominated country were all extremely bashful and introverted, but why, is this one… so bold? He’s even more unrestrained than a jiangshi like me! The most I do is suck some blood, what he wants to do is practically eat a human! That’s not right, it’s eating a jiangshi!

Mo Qingli powerlessly looked at the sky, feeling extremely emotional.


¹He uses 妻主 for ‘wife’. 妻 is the character used to formally refer to a wife, 主 is the character used in 公主, or princess. Hence, ‘wife-princess’.

I will be on hiatus until August 15th due to personal reasons.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!