Published at 27th of May 2019 04:05:14 AM

Chapter 131

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Tatsuo was now standing in his residence as he looked out the window at the bustling city below as he thought it was about time to implement the next steps to become a contending power on the world stage.

'This plane is a lower ranking one but this Planet itself is perfect to become the main base of the Night empire. It's the overall size and climate are perfect to accommodate all citizens While Planes 20 and 19 will just become military outposts and other miscellaneous things. However, these are things for the future.'

Tatsuo sat down on the window's edge and fell deep into thought.

'The Heaven Duo Empire was founded by Three upper sect clans The Clear Sky Clan, Seven Treasure Gile Pragonda Clan, and The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. With the Empire headed by the Xue Clan acting as the Emperors there resides many small kingdoms that act as independent entities yet still must pay tribute to the Empire. While the Star Luo Empire has one Clan that reigned Supreme, The Evil-Eyes Clan however they too have many small kingdoms that must pay tribute to the Empire. While my Night Empire will follow a format similar to modern day earth if it can still be considered Modern day by my standards. My Empire will act with me as the Head of State while the subsidiary Kingdoms will act as provinces or Territories that have some autonomy yet ultimately fall under my control similar to England, The United States or Canada.'

Tatsuo pulled out a notebook to write down his Ideas as they flowed through his head.

'It will still follow the same principle of Myself with absolute power, The Council that oversees the day to day operations and the Judicial branch that keeps the council in check. However, I will allocate Noble titles to the Counsel and Judicial branches that will further outline their responsibilities and standing within the nation. There will be laws in place to protect the Nobles as well the commoners that do not have titles, on earth, there is a saying that all men are created equal yet in these worlds with Great Power such a thing does not exist so proper measures must be taken.'

Tatsuo phoned a Maid to prepare him a cup of tea and some light refreshments as he continued to plan out his Empire.

'The Counsel will be Headed by a Grand Duke that reports directly to me all from my approval on matters. While it will be comprised of 20 Arch Dukes that will head a specific department with the necessary officials under them. The Judicial Branch will be Headed by 1 Grand Duke and have 9 Arch Dukes that review and interpret all matters passed by the Council to make sure they do not infringe on any laws or human rights. Martial Rank will not decide the appointment of these positions.'

The Maid entered the Room bowed to the Emperor who was deep in thought before placing the refreshments on a small table by the window and taking her leave.

'The Military will also follow the same principle as in Plane 20 with 13 Generals who will hold a title equivalent to Grand Duke however it will be called God's Pillar as they will be the support that enforces my will. Each Pillar must be a Titled Douluo of the 97th Rank or above by plane 18 standards this will be subject to change as we move to higher planes. At the moment the Spirit Hall has at least 17 known Titled Douluo with 2 above the 97th Rank while the other powers of the Star Luo and Heaven Duo Empire have about 15 at most combined with none above the 97th rank.'

Tatsuo grabbed his crystal teacup and took a sip of the Immortal Herb tea brewed within just this cup would make many Titled Douluo topple mountains to acquire its contents.

'Each Rank in this world is a gap someone of lower Rank could never overcome with sheer spirit and willpower alone. Within Titled Douluo this is further emphasized as the sublevels of the rank are sometimes as wide as the Gap between a Spirit Ancestor and a Spirit Saint. From Rank 91 to 94 these Titled Douluo are indeed powerful enough to wipe entire cities off the map, changing the landscape to the point maps need to be redrawn however they still are only considered Average to those above. Ranks 95 to 98 are the most difficult ranks to overcome some see these as tougher bottlenecks than acquiring an entirely new Spirit Ring and this is around where a majority of Titled Douluo in the world are currently I will call this a Hyper Douluo. This is where a titled Douluo starts to feel a cognitive change in his or her spiritual power as he approaches the threshold of Divine Power. While Ranks 99-100 you are seeing the path of divinity and molding yourself into a god of a specific specialty I will call this Limit Douluo. While from Rank 101 and on you are on the Path to becoming a true God capable of destroying the Laws of Physics and toppling the universe itself. I will call this the Divine Path.'

Tatsuo then thought about his two new additions Dugu Bo and Tang Hao.

'Dugu Bo from my memory of his Character from both the Light Novel and Manhua versions is a Ruthless man who only has a soft spot for his family. He is a cunning and calculative loner who likes to be detached from the secular world and keep to himself as he greatly enjoys being free. However despite this, he is a man of his word a quality I admire and respect, so I can take his pledge of allegiance to heart as he will not go back on that unless I do something unforgivable. Once he reaches Rank 97 he will be God's Poison Pillar eroding away the darkness from within.'

Tatsuo already finished cleaning the poison from Dugu Bo's family making the Young Old man extremely and eternally grateful.

'Tang Hao on the other hand is an extremely upright man that despises Injustice, now that the depression of losing his wife is gone and he has a renewed sense of life and he is once again in his prime years while retaining the power of a Rank 97 Titled Douluo he will be the Clear Sky Pillar of the Night. His hammer will rain down justice upon all of my foes. The other 11 Pillars are reserved for my comrades from Planes 19 and 20 that will be joining me shortly.'

Finishing up his new Imperial Decree Tatsuo called in Daisuke to have them all implemented and to also discuss the Team for the upcoming Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament where the Night Empire and Tai Tan no Seika will make it's debut to the world.

"Your Majesty, The seven selected for this year's Tournament have been decided and they have already been briefed and are packing for tomorrow's voyage to the Mainland. We have selected the most talented bunch from the Academy with Spirit Ranks ranging from the lowest Rank of 51 to the highest of 57. Their Spirit rings are all according to the Imperial Standard with 4 black and 1 Red, therefore they are Spirit King's of the highest strength and talent aging from 15 to 17."

Daisuke as always handled his task beautifully while Tatsuo listened on while reading their dossier.

"Do you know why the age of Spirit Rings are so important Daisuke?"

"Yes Sir, the age of Spirit Rings dictates the overall output of power upon using a spirit ability. The Douluo Continent has come up with a chart that displays the appropriate age a spirit Ring should be depending on the spirit masters Rank to avoid a state of soul rejection or Soul Shock which could result in death as Rings above that appropriate age contain to much power which a Spirit Cultivator may not be able to control. However, if you are able to absorb a Spirit Ring above the so-called appropriate age your power will be far beyond your equal ranking peers as the Spirit Ring has nurtured both your body and Spirit Power causing great boons."

"Correct, I choose the current standard because of that reason as with the techniques we have on Acaydia the age of the ring one can absorb is greatly increased. Not only that we have a way to train the Soul Power of a cultivator which the mainland has not yet found out about which allows our cultivators to avoid the Soul Shock of a 10,000-year-old Soul Ring. Also from this information, it would seem two of them have the rumored Blackening state."

Tatsuo looked at the dossier of his students with glee as it was time to disrupt the power dynamics of the known World.

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