Published at 6th of September 2019 02:29:28 PM

Chapter 43

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Sky scratched his head in embarrassment. The reason that he was able to practice Wrath was because of Ryu's 'Overbearing Lazy Sin Cultivation Law'. In a way, he could be said to be having gained favour from the World as Ryu was a Weapon of Sin, an existence that was supported by the World.

In other Words, gaining Ryu's favour can be said to be gaining the Martial Sin World's favour.

As for why he was able to cultivate the Pride Laws, it was because of the Primal Yin he got from the Clan Master of the Water Clan. The Clan Master of the Water Clan had a special Physique just like him. In other words, she was also a potential World Conquerer.

So strictly speaking, he did not gain the favour of the World directly, but if you consider Ryu's favour as the Martial Sin World's favour, you can say, Sky does have compatibility with his Origin World.

But explaining all of this to the God Beast seemed to be a waste of time, and with Sky's recent advancement in Sloth Cultivation, he chose to act lazy this time.

Seeing the lack of response from Sky, The God Beast became increasingly sure of her conjecture, and thought that Sky had joked about his compatibility with the World.

She snorted cutely and continued. "Anyway, since you have the Martial Sin World's favour, and the Lazy Monarch Physique, you can try to comprehend the Martial Sin World's Laws. If you really have gained the World's favour, the World would allow you to take some of it's Laws and make them your own. This is the first step in becoming the World Conquerer."

"What? Why would the World allow me to take her Laws? Wouldn't the World's strength weaken if she gives me her Laws?" Sky was a taken aback by the God Beast's words. Wasn't this the same as stealing the Laws, wouldn't the World try to destroy him if he tried to steal it's Laws now.

"Idiot! I said that the World would allow you to take the Laws on it's own if you have enough compatibility. It isn't stealing Laws, it is 'taking' the Laws with the World's 'permission'."

"And What are you thinking? Taking a Single Law from the World would weaken it? My ass it would weaken. If it was so easy to weaken a World, I don't think there would be any more free Worlds now."

"Do you even know how many Laws the Martial Sin World owns? Taking one Law from it is almost the same as taking 'No' laws from it."

"Hah! Teaching a Idiot is better than teaching you." The God Beast did not speak, but Sky's face reddened to the extreme. She did not speak, but she transmitted her thoughts to him.

Sky had to accept that he was inexperienced. His whole childhood memories were sealed, and the time after his childhood was spent acting Lazy in the tent on that lonely peak.

Practically three fourth of the life Sky had lived until now, was just acting lazy and sleeping. In fact, Sky only started using his brain after he was sent to the Abyss. Only after the 'Overbearing Lazy Sin Cultivation Law' neutralised his Lazy Monarch Physique's extreme laziness did Sky really start to think on his own.

So when the God Beast called him an Idiot and that an Idiot can be taught better than him, his face turned red without being able to retort. He suffered this insult silently. But he did not resent the God Beast, after all she was just pointing out his drawbacks. He became more determined to overcome his current foolish self in the future.

The God Beast saw Sky's face which was red from shame and felt that she had gone overboard. In fact she scolded him so that Sky would notice his drawbacks. Due to her promise to EverNight, her fate was closely linked with this human. If possible, she wanted Sky to be a pillar that can support the skies for her. This was the only reason that she had been strict with her words.

Cough.. Cough....

"Well, you understand how the World Conquerer works right. Now trying absorbing a Law from the Martial Sin World. If you are really compatible, the Martial Sin World would allow you take a Law from it." The God Beast coughed and urged him once more.

This time Sky did not ask any more questions. He closed his eyes as he extended his awareness outside towards the World. He was trying to locate the Martial Sin World's Laws to absorb them.

Seeing this the God Beast squinted her eyes. "What are you doing? Why are you using your awareness instead of your spiritual force?" She immediately went hard against him.

"Spiritual force?" Sky smiled bitterly. In fact, he had tried to use his Spiritual Force before, but he found out that he did not 'have' a Spiritual Force. This was the reason that Sky was using his awareness instead of Spiritual Force.

"I.. I..don't have Spiritual Force." His face was red once again as he stammered. Spiritual Force was something each and every Cultivator had. In fact you can even say that having Spiritual Force was the first requirement to become a Cultivator. So saying that he does not have a Spiritual Force was quite embarrassing to Sky.

The God Beast turned quiet for a minute.

'Ahh! She must be thinking that I am trying to fool her.' Sky mocked himself. Why was his body so different? He could not understand.

After a long time, seeing that the God Beast was still not saying anything, Sky steeled himself and spoke. "um... Miss God Beast, can you speak, I am dying out of Silence here."

Hearing this, the God Beast sighed in a profound way. "You! Are you a monster?" She asked.

"Ah! Ah! What? Monster?" Sky was taken aback by her sudden question.

The God Beast continued. "How did you cultivate to Sin Devil without Spiritual Force?"

"Ahh!" Sky understood her. Even he the person in question only had a vague idea of how he reached the Sin Devil without the Spiritual Force. So Sky could sympathise with the God Beast's current feelings. Sometimes, even Sky was scared by the things his body could do.

Spiritual Force was said to be the 'basis' for Cultivation. This was for two simple reasons.

One, it would let you 'sense' and 'absorb' the Sin Energy in the 'Martial Sin World'.

Two, it would let you 'examine' and 'control' the flow of this Sin Energy inside your body.

In simpler words,

The first reason was that Spiritual Force lets one reach higher levels in cultivation by sensing and absorbing more Sin Energy, while the second reason was that it lets you keep the dangerous 'Sin Energy' in check from destroying your delicate internal Organs and your meridians.

In fact, the Sin Energy of a Cultivator is stored in the most sensitive place of the body, The Heart. If one does not control the Sin Energy through their Spiritual Force, the Heart would be the first thing to be destroyed, thus leading to one's death.

This was the reason that 'Spiritual Force' was the 'basis' of a Cultivator. If one's Spiritual Force was low, their cultivation talent would low. This was due to fact that Spiritual Force was required to absorb and control the Sin Energy. Also, having more Energy than what your Spiritual Force can control was extremely dangerous.

Thus Cultivation was a double edged sword. While it was true that cultivation could make you stronger, it is also true that cultivation comes with the risk of self destruction.

In fact the number of deaths caused by massive 'wars' would be less than the number of deaths caused by the lack of proper control over 'Spiritual Force'.

The Word 'Monster' was not enough to describe Sky who could cultivate without Spiritual Force. His body was practically like that of a Dragon, Indestructible and Immortal.

Just as Sky was thinking of explaining his situation to the God Beast, a stream of Darkness rose out of the God Beast's body and entered his Body. As this Darkness entered, Sky shivered. He felt as if he was completely naked before it. This Darkness revolved inside his body, freely roaming and checking his condition.

The Darkness left as fast as it entered, and the God Beast did not speak for another long period of time.

"Um.. did you see something you should not?" Sky tried to joke, but it was ineffective against her.

"Sky." She called.

"Yes!" Sky immediately turned serious. This was the first time that the God Beast had called him by his name, and Sky felt that the God Beast was going to say a very important news to him.

"I..I.." the God Beast stammered and stopped. Her voice was very weak.

'What? What I..I ? Come on don't leave me in suspense.' Sky screamed in his head as the God Beast turned silent for another period of time.

"Sky, I... I am..... 'sleepy'."

Sky tilted his had in confusion. Sleepy? Is your name 'Sleepy'?

He did not ask as he got his answer the next moment.

The God Beast's whole body, which was covering him and protecting him for a whole year, a whole 365 days swayed for the first time.

The God Beast's Body which was like a mountain, fell down in that instant.

Sky immediately got up and looked up. What should have greeted him was the dark Night of the EverNight Forest, But, What met him was not the Night he got used to, instead it was a Bright Light, Pure White Light that covered the Heavens and Earth alike.


Second Regular Chapter Today (2/2)

Missed Chapters: 29

Hah! Finally finished my daily release rate in a long time.

It took me a lot of effort to write this chapter in the best way possible.

Donate '''Power Stones''' for my hard work.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!