Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel - Volume 4 - Chapter 89

Published at 11th of September 2018 03:27:35 PM

Chapter 89

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As the matter stands, Liu Yue realized that the issue seemed to be serious. She was somewhat worried and hurriedly called me to let me know of the matter. Although her sound wasn’t startled, but it was low and deep, “Husband, there’s a matter!”

As I listened to her voice, I knew that there was certainly not a small issue, otherwise, it was impossible for her to be so serious, so I hastily asked, “What’s the matter? Don’t worry and say it slowly what the issue is?”

“Husband, QingQing… she’s missing!” Liu Yue said in a low voice.

“Missing? How is that possible? Are you not in the company?” I asked subconsciously.

“It’s like this… QingQing and I go home every night together. I waited for her for quite a while at the entrance, but she still didn’t come out… so I called her phone number, but her phone was turned off. Later I asked Chu Gao because QingQing was going to New Century for an inspection today, but Chu Gao said that QingQing had not gone there today! Husband, what are we going to do?” Liu Yue’s expression couldn’t constrain her anxiety.

“I understand, don’t worry. Don’t go anywhere from the company, I will send someone to pick you up!” I immediately said to her.

“Husband, I can go back on my own. You must find a way to find QingQing as soon as possible!” Liu Yue refused.

“No, you can’t come back yourself! If QingQing was really taken away, then it means that you might also be in danger! As we don’t understand the purpose behind her disappearance, but I think the possibility of it being related to Meng QingQing is quite small. Someone might be targeting me or the company, so it seems that you are also in danger!” I analyzed the situation.

“Ah!” Liu Yue felt that what I said was justified, so she said, “Okay, I will stay in the company. You don’t have to worry as the company’s security is very strict. In many places, there is a fingerprint and chip-based card verification system, where no one else can get in!”

Hanging up the phone, I immediately gave a call to Ding Baosan and Du Xiaowei, ordering them to use different channels to look for Meng QingQing’s trail. As soon as they got any information, they must report it back to me.

Naturally, I wasn’t idling either. I was thinking who will kidnap Meng QingQing? What was their purpose? Is it money? There is a possibility of this situation happening. Meng QingQing is my woman, that’s a fact known to the public, moreover, I am the richest man in the world was also known to everyone. If that was the case, then their behavior in catching Meng QingQing should be random. Not specifically targeting someone.

This reasoning seems to be possible, but if we think carefully, it somewhat seems to be invalid! The reason I made my identity public was to keep those random thugs and villains from concocting any ideas against me, to let them know that they couldn’t pit against me! Does the kidnapper not know what the Three Rock Gang is doing? If he really wanted to use this kidnapping to blackmail me, then it’s either a crazy person or a desperate psycho! But what would a desperate psycho need money for? Will he have the life to ask and spend all that money?

But all these are merely my speculations, and I really can’t think which personal enemy of mine would kidnap Meng QingQing!

That Lei Xiaolong’s family influence couldn’t have caught up with the six major aristocratic families. If the Wang Family hadn’t appeared this time, then they would have had the opportunity to become one of the six major families. But even then, it wouldn’t be enough to contend against me! From the contact I had with them, I can see that Lei Xiaolong’s father, Lei Fubai, wasn’t a fool. The fact that he could manage a big company was enough to know that he won’t make such a blunder. Therefore, it’s impossible that he will allow Lei Xiaolong to do anything that might result in the extermination of their entire Lei Family.

As for Li Boliang, should have also been dismembered in Antarctica by the cyborgs he created. And those Cyborgs weren’t there either, making me lose stuff that could be researched on by Sun Sikong.

As for the small fish and shrimp, it was even more impossible for them to dare do anything like that. Naturally, the biggest trouble in my heart was Liu Kesheng, that fellow was my old nemesis. But he would have targeted me, why would he kidnap Meng QingQing.

Therefore, all I could do now was wait.

When I received a report call from Ding Baosan and Du Xiaowei, although I had already guessed the result, I couldn’t help but be disappointed by the result……


“Miss Meng, hello!” What made Meng QingQing astonished was that the master behind the scenes was actually a foreigner!

“I am not in a very good mood. Did you think it would be a good thing to kidnap me?” Meng QingQing indifferently looked at the foreigner.

“Hehe, it’s nothing much! As long as you accept my request, I will let you go back immediately. Like this, you will also be in a good mood!” Although the foreigner was also speaking in Chinese, he wasn’t very smooth, making people who listened to him feel irritated.

“What request? I don’t think I know you,” Meng QingQing said directly.

“Miss Meng, there is a saying in your China that one shouldn’t speak ambiguously before people. Since that’s the case, then I will come straight to the point: Give us back the ring!” The foreigner said, “Naturally, no matter what channel you obtained it through, I will give you certain economic compensation!”

“Righ? Wait, what did you just say? What ring?” Meng QingQing couldn’t understand what this foreigner was saying. She had originally thought that these people kidnapped her for some ransom, but it seems that this wasn’t the case at all!

They actually want a ring, but what ring do they want? And listening to his words, it apparently meant that they will also pay for the ring! What in the hell was going on? Did she hear wrong?

“Miss Meng, don’t pretend. Although the ring isn’t worn on your hand now, we have evidence that the ring is now in your possession, or at least, you know where it is!” The foreigner said firmly.

“I really don’t understand what you are talking about. You kidnapped me to get a ring, but I don’t know anything about any ring. Moreover, I have never taken any ring from you!” Meng QingQing had some doubts as she asked, “Did you make a mistake?”

“Miss Meng, what you are saying isn’t a very good joke! Tom, play the video and let Miss Meng see. Let’s see how she is going to decline after that!” The foreigner coldly said with a snort.

The video recording that was played was unexpectedly the joint press conference from that day. There was also the scene of Meng QingQing’s speech. Naturally, this foreigner only paused at that alone.

“What is this?” Meng QingQing pointed towards the screen and asked.

“Suspend it, Tom!” The foreigner suddenly said.

The video was suspended and the image fixed. Tom was afraid that Meng QingQing wouldn’t be able to see clearly, so he specially enlarged the image. At this time, it could be clearly seen that there was a ring on Meng QingQing’s left hand’s ring finger. It was the betrothal ring I gave her – The Heart of Love!

“How is it, Miss Meng? Are you still going to deny it!” The foreigner pointed to the TV screen and said.

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